19,5 Millionen USD bietet Song Lile
Good Day
My name is Mr. Song Li. I work with the Hang Seng Bank.There is a sum of
$19,500,000.00 in my bank Hang Seng Bank",Hong Kong. There were no
beneficiaries stated concerning these funds which means no one would ever
come to claim it.
That is why I ask that we work together.I do solicit for your assistance in
effecting this transaction.I intend to give 30% of the total funds as
compensation for your assistance. I will notify you on the full transaction on
receipt of your response if interested, and I shall send you the details and
necessary procedures with which to make thetransfer.
You can contact me on my private email below for quick response.
E-mail: song_lile906@yahoo.com.hk
Should you be interested?
(1)Full name:
(2)private phone number:
(3)current residential address:
Kind Regards,
Mr. Song Li
Als höflicher Mensch antwortet Magnus auf chinesisch.
已經 Konfuze說,展覽是全白。
Der Gute ist mit seiner Buchhaltung etwas durcheinander, die beiden mails schlugen 2x bei mir auf, aber von verschiedenen juchuu addys.
Return-Path: <songli93@yahoo.com.hk>
Return-Path: <song.lile74@yahoo.com.hk>;"Song Li" <song_lile906@yahoo.com.hk>
Envelope-To: schaumschlaeger
received: from n4-vm0.bullet.mail.hk2.yahoo.com ([]) by cn03.oleco.net with smtp (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <songli93@yahoo.com.hk>) id 1ON9LJ-000CQx-PH for schaumschlaeger; Fri, 11 Jun 2010 20:52:43 +0200
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Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 02:52:34 +0800 (HKT)
From: Song Li <songli93@yahoo.com.hk>
Subject: Identification Required
To: schaumschlaeger
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Good Day,
I want to let you know of myself so that you will be rest assured of whom you are transacting with. I am married with two children Liu my daughter and Lee my son; I have sent you my family picture now for you to see. My address is #1, Fortune Garden , 20 Wing Ting Road , Ngan Chi Wan, Kln, and Hong Kong . I have lived here for the last 13years; it is not ideal to have your documents send via mailing you can scan and attached or still send via email.
I have really invested much in this transaction so I will please tell you to accept the 30% of the total funds that I have intend to give to you. For your information I will be coming over to your country for my share of the funds, once the funds credit your account at the bank that we will be using for this transaction.
Please endeavor to keep this transaction confidential, Please do not discuss it with anybody, I have a 22year career with my bank (Hang Seng) and I don? Intend to ruin all that. I really can’t wait till the funds leave my bank because I have not been able to sleep nor eat properly for the past days. Attach to this email is my work ID and my family pictures for your reference.
Well if I may remind you again, you are required to send at least a copy of your Driver's License "or" a copy of your International Passport. Besides, it is the copy of your Driver's License or International Passport that will be used by the Attorney have all the necessary documentations perfected.
The most important issue is that I want to be sure I am transacting with the correct person, I believe these information would be enough to confirm you interest.
Best Regards,
Song Li
WORK ID.jpg 54.6 kb
my family.jpg 58.3 kb
Myself myfamily and pa and ma.jpg 91.2 kb
Myself and my family chirstmas.jpg 66.6 kb
me & my Family on dinning table.jpg 64.5 kb
Etwas später die 2.
Good Day
Thank you for your response HÄ? ich hab die erste noch nichtmal gelesen and your interest to assist me in this transaction. Like I said before, due to this issue on my hands now, it became necessary for me to seek your assistance, I appreciate the fact that you are ready to assist me in executing this project, and also you will help me in investing my money in your country, I am quite certain about that. You should not have anything to worry about, I will do everything legally required to ensure that the project goes smoothly, it shall pass through all Laws of International Banking, and you have my word. Having resolved to entrust this transaction into your hands, I want to remind you that, it needs your commitment and diligent follow up. If you work seriously, the entire transaction should be over in a couple of days.
Firstly, I will want to know precisely the type of occupation that you do and how old you are, you should note that this project is highly capital intensive, this is why I have to be very careful, I need your total devotion and trust to see this through. I know we have not met before, but I am very confident that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we need to execute this project.
I am now in contact with a foreign online bank; I now intend that you open an account in your name in this foreign bank. The money would be transferred to your account which you will open in the bank for both of us, this is the best way, I have found, it will protect us from my bank. I want us to enjoy this money in peace when we conclude. So you should listen to my instructions and follow them religiously.
Also you have to know that I cannot transfer this money in my name as my bank will be aware that it is from me, this is where I need you. As result of this, you will have to open an account in the corresponding bank. I will obtain a certificate of deposit from this my bank, it will be issued in your name, and this will make you the bonfire owner of the funds. After this, the money will be banked online for both of us. We can then instruct the bank to transfer our various shares into our respective home bank accounts.
I will also perfect the documentations with the assistance of my attorney to give the transaction the legal right. Before I commence, I will need you to send me a copy of any form your identification (Driver's license Work ID or International passport) and your current address. I want to be sure that I am transacting with the correct person. As soon as I get these from you, I will commence the paper work. I hope you will understand why I need all these, the money in question is big and I want to ensure that I know you well before I proceed to give you all the details to commence the project, I will also send you my Work Identification and my family picture upon receipt of your identification. I will send the name and contact details of the bank so that you can commence communication with them. Ensure that you keep this project confidential; do not discuss it with anybody, because of the confidential nature of this transaction and my work.
Please reply soonest.
Li Song
Das Gruppenbild vor dem Haus war auch schon in einem älteren bait von Sven Udo zu sehen.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Auf die Bilder antwortet Magnus kurz und knapp auf deutsch.
Verehrte Herr Li
Vielen dank für Ihre mails und die netten Bilder. Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Magnus Horatio
Die berühmteFrage nach dem Passport.
Good Day,
If you refer to one of my previous emails, I had told you what you are required to send before we commence this transaction. Well if I may remind you again, you are required to send a copy of your Driver's Licence,Work ID or your International Passport,the most important issue is that I want to be sure I am transacting with the correct person, my curiousity can be justified considering the money in question, besides, it is this copy of your Driver's Licence or International Passport that will be be used by the Attorney have all the necesary documentations perfected.
I want to know if you are willing to carry on with this business seriously, before I can take further action, it is imperative for you to reach me back immediately.
Song Li
So einfach als mail, wie sich das der schwarze Chinese vorstellt geht dasnicht..
Ehrenwerter Herr Song Lile
Ich schicke keine vertraulichen Daten über das Internet mit einer mail.
Wenn Sie Interesse haben mit mir weiterhin geschäftlich in Verbindung zu stehen, werde ich meine Angaben auf dem sicheren Weg über einen personal server Ihnen zukommen lassen.
Bestellen sie Grüße an den großen Vorsitzenden Mao und die Viererbande.
Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schläger
Einen Tag später noch eine mail mit den Zugangsdaten hinterher.
Lieber Herr Song LIle
Vielen Dank für Ihre ehrenwerte Nachricht. Haben Sie die Grüße an den großen Vositzenden Mao weitergericht? Wie geht es der Viererbande? Immer noch auf dem großen Sprung? Sie müssen wissen mein Vater war bei dem großen Marsch als Koordinazoffizier dabei.
Nun aber zu Ihrem hochgeschätzten Anliegen.
Wie ich Ihnen schon zu verstehen gab, schicke ich vertrauliche Unterlagen nur über einen Personal-server.
Um an eine Kopie meines Passes zu kommen, bemühen Sie sich wie folgt.
a: Sie rufen diese Seite auf:
b: Sie registrieren sich.
c: Unter
filename: Pass_Horatio.jpg
owner: Richard Clifford
erhalten sie den begehrten Pass scan.
Grüßen Sie ihre Familie, den großen Vorsitzenden Mao und schauen sie sich den Himmlischen Platz des Friedens an. Auf dem 13. Stein in der linken Ecke stand mein Vater nach dem großen Marsch.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Langsam kommt er zur Sache
Dear Magnus,
Thank you for the response,I am in receipt of your mail and Identification. I pray that when this e-mail arrives to you it find's you and your family in the best of health and conditions.I thank you for showing some great responsibility and trust. I must also let you know that I feel comfortable transacting with you especially after your last email even though we have not had a verbal conversation, please do not let me down. I have send your details to my attorney who will put together the perfected paper work to be sent to the bank for the release of the funds, this should take not longer than two to three days.
Furtherance to this, it is proper i inform you that hence we have decided to go into partnership to see that this project gets completed and sealed soonest, There will be need we define our responsibilities before getting far into the project as that will help both parties know what is expected of us to do at the Very right time.
You are expected and will be responsible to set-up an offshore transit account with a reputable bank in europe which you have already agreed while i will be responsible for the legal charges of perfecting all legal documentations.
The funds will be transferred from where it presently lies into your newly established account with the bank which I am going to introduce to you.
I also did inform you that I have mapped out all possible ways to see this project through to success at the long-run. Hence the need I have to explain Properly to you why this plan was designed this way.
It would have been very possible getting the funds across to any of your designated account of your choice but it is so unfortunate that this method cant be used in executing a project of this sort and magnitude because the monetary body would or might investigate about the fund in question when a large sum of this amount is been transferred into your account in your Country.
Basically because of this reason I have decided we use this bank in Europe that has a transaction agreement terms with our bank/ in Hong Kong and also both banks share same telex type.
This method stands as the fastest, safest and easiest means the fund can leave that escrow account after all documents in your name and favour has been filed for application of fund release.
Kindly get back to me with your response after you have carefully read through the contents of this mail so i can proceed in perfecting the documents in your name and favour and also furnish you with the contact information of the bank so you can make enquiries on how to set-up an offshore transit account with their finance establishment.
All copies of documentations will be sent over to you For your perusal and file records as well. As soon as I read from you, my attorney will have them prepared. I await your timely response to this mail.
Best regards to you and the family.
Li song
Das mit der komischen Bank ist Magnus nicht geheuer
Großmächtiger Hüter des Geldes Song Lile,
Also das mit dem Geld hab ich nicht so ganz verstanden.Erst von Bank zu Bank und dann doch nicht und zu einer neuen Bank die ich garnicht kenne.
Song Lile Herr über die Geldgeschäfte, ich mach dir einen anderen Vorschlag. Ich hab noch ein Konto im Ausland, da fahr ich im Urlaub immer hin und die süße kleine Schalterangestellte kenn ich auch ganz intim. Da tun wir das Geld hin und gut is dann breche ich hier alle Zelte ab und mach immer Urlaub und des geht dann richtig zur Sache, Holla die Waldfee.
Song Lile Niemals nicht schreibst du was der große Vorsitzende auf meine Grüße geantwortet hat. Richtest du sie überhaupt aus?? Das kann ich ganz einfach nachprüfen weil der große Vorsitzende immer bei einem Freund meines Vaters einkauft. Um Lei Tung heißt er und ist ein Reisbauer in Kar Tong.
Wenn du die Grüße nicht ausgerichtet hast, werde ich das Geschäft mit dir platzen lassen, weil du nicht ehrlich und unzuverlässig bist.
Die Bankverbindung werde ich wieder auf dem Personal server niederlegen, als goldener Drache der Weisheit kennst du den Zugang.
Wie immer: Grüße an den Vorsitzenden und die Viererbande.
Magnus Horatio
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Da macht er schon einen Fehler, welcher Mensch aus dem Reich der Mitte nennt seinen Geschäftspartner "brother".?
Von: Song Lile <song.lile74@yahoo.com.hk>
An: schaumschlaeger
Datum: Fri 02/07/10 00:51
Dear Brother,
Thank you for the response,I am in receipt of your mail and Identification. I thank you for showing some great responsibility and trust. I must also let you know that I feel comfortable transacting with you especially after your last email even though we have not had a verbal conversation, please do not let me down. I have send your details to my attorney who will put together the perfected paper work to be sent to the bank for the release of the funds, this should take not longer than two to three days.
In this light, I have sent you the information of the bank so you can make enquiries on offshore/on-line account opening. I advice you like I said earlier that you open an account with the bank so that once the funds are released, they will be moved straight into your account and the transfer will not attract the monetary bodies, as the transfer be will seen as in-house.(same telex type with my Bank).You can then transfer the funds in safe bits to your main account for both of us. Please find below the banks information.
Name of Bank: Postbank/ING.
Contact Person:Mrs.Mira Van Bos
Tel: +31 647 090 948
Fax: +31 847 414 028
Please contact them with the following informations, your Full Names, Contact Telephone Numbers (Home, Office and Mobile Number and also Fax Number)
Note, that you are to inform the bank that you wish to open an offshore account with their reputable bank, and they should advice you on such account.I will await an update from you. Please do make contact with the bank so that the account opening can be fast. I call you brother so that we both understand that our trust in each other is that of blood. God Bless you for your
positive resolve to affect our lives.
Your Brother,
Song Lile
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Bestellen sie Grüße an den großen Vorsitzenden Mao und die Viererbande.
Das ist doch mal ein Gruß
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
Magnus schreibt an die Mira und am Montag trudelt die Antwort ein.
An Mrs.Mira von Bos
Herr Song Lile hat mir Ihre Adresse genannt wegen eines Kontos. Bitte schreiben Sie mir genau welche Infornationen Sie brauchen, ich werde sie dann auf meinem Personal sever für Sie ablegen und Ihnen den Zugang ermöglichen.
Von: POST BANK NL <pst-nl@post.com> An:
Datum: Mon 05/07/10 10:14
Dear Valued Client,
This is to inform you that we have received your mail and your enquiry
on how to open an offshore account. Since you do not have any existing
account with us before, you are advised to fill the off shore
application form attached that will facilitate your account set up in
less than 72 hours, of when your filled form and payment confirmation
of your choice of account listed below .
We have (5) different off shore accounts types, and each with different
minimum deposit depending on which of the account you will like us to
set up for you.
1) PLATINUM ACCOUNT: This has a minimum deposit of 3,080 US Dollars
2) CURRENT ACCOUNT: This has a minimum deposit of 2,550 US Dollars
3) SAVING ACCOUNT: This has a minimum deposit of 1,950 US Dollars
4) PREMIUM ACCOUNT: This has a minimum deposit of 3,900 US Dollars
5) TIME DEPOSIT ACCOUNT: This has a minimum deposit 4,200 US Dollars
Be informed that all account has full option banking amenities which
involves having a Master Card, credit/debit balance print out and
overdraft. NOTE that the mandatory minimum deposit Belongs to you as
this will be in your account before crediting any funds you wish to
transfer, this is to enable our KTT data base and recognized your
account for onward transfer as you may wish to transfer swiftly to
your nominated local account round the globe without delay.
If you cannot read in Dutch, be informed that as soon as you meet up
the requirement, we will program your account for a special English
page that will enable you read, and as well access your account for
private or business use.
Mode of payment is through our accredited western union money transfer
or money gram, but if you find it very difficult locating any close
agent of the payment centre, please indicate that on your next email to
enable me forward account details that will enable effect wire th rough
bank to bank for swift and easy transfer, we advise western union
because the money can be pick up the same day, and it make your process
very fast because with bank wire it will take maximum of three working
If you are transferring through western union money transfer, please
take note of the Officer details you will take along when filling the
form that will be required of you in the agent office of the:
Ensure to fax or email the receipt that will be issued to you by the
western union for our record and enable the officer pick up the funds.
Please fill out the attached offshore account opening form and send by
fax (+ 31 847 414 028) or email scanned copy as an attachment with a
copy of your valid identification.
If you require any further clarification on the above, please contact
me directly on telephone number (+31 647 090 948) between the hours of
9am-5pm Netherlands time (Mondays-Saturday) Please note that our
Saturday banking is half day, we close 12 noon on Saturdays, you can
email us directly on this email and your request will be attended as
soon as possible.
Please note that the Post Bank NL, reserves the right to decline
Payments/transfers if any irregularities are noticed.
Thanks in advance for banking with us.
Mrs. Mira Van Bos
Dr. Hans Hagenaars
Director POST Bank N.V
postbank_account_form1.jpg 465.9 kb
postbank_account_form2.jpg 409.1 kb
postbank_account_form3.jpg 319.3 kb
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
In Rotterdam findet google und google-maps diese Strasse nicht. In den umgebenden Städten schon.
Information on phone number range +31 647XXXXXX
Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Netherlands
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Telfort B.V.
Mobil Telefon in einer Postbank Filiale ??
bei 419bittenus gefunden:
Name: Dr. Barry Henk
Tel: + 31 634 379 822
Fax: + 31 847 414 028
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Die übersandte post-bank-form ist noch nicht mal ausgefüllt, geschweige denn auf dem server, da kommt schon die nächste mail. Telefonieren tut Magnus nie mit dem Ausland und angerufen wird er schon gar nie nicht.
Von: POST BANK NL <pst-nl@post.com> An:
Datum: Mon 05/07/10 14:55
Dear Valued Client,
Sequel to our telephone conversation, your are required to fill the
account opening applications forms and be informed that we have Five
types of offshore account with different minimum deposit;you are to
make a choice of the account you like us to open for you and send us
the minimum deposit through our accredited receiving account
below,NOTE that the mandatory minimum deposit Belongs to you as this
will be in your account before crediting any funds you wish to
transfer, this is to enable our KTT data base and recognized your
account for onward transfer as you may wish to transfer swiftly to your
nominated local account round the globe without delay.
Account Name: John Willem Omolade
Account Number: 7940895
IBAN: NL34INGB0007940895
Ensure to send us the filled account opening forms and the transfer
payment slip of the minimum deposit via email attachment or fax.As soon
as these details are received by us,your offshore account will be
established and send to you.
Please note that the Post Bank NL, reserves the right to decline
Payments/transfers if any irregularities are noticed.
Thanks in advance for banking with us.
Mrs. Mira Van Bos
Dr. Hans Hagenaars
Director POST Bank N.V
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Soviel Aufdringlichkeit muss erstmal ein wenig gestoppt werden. Magnus hat da zwei gute Argumente bei seiner Bank und der Schaltertussi zubleiben.
Liebe Direktors von der Post Bank
Mira und Hans
Ehrlich, ihr seid ja schlimmer als ein Versicherungsvertreter oder die Zeugen Jehovas. Wenn ich so bedrängt werde bei euch ein Konto zu eröffnen ist was faul. Eure AGB habt ihr auch nicht mitgeschickt, warum eigentlich nicht.???
Wißt ihr, da bleib ich doch lieber bei meiner einen Bank die ich im Ausland habe, Da hab ich doch was handfestes und kann schnackeln wenn ich will, Als Anhang schick ich euch mal die Argumente mit.
Wenn ich mir noch bessere Konditionen bieten könnt, überlege ich mir die Sache nochmal.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Also ich bin von den beiden Argumenten ehrlich überzeugt.
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
Wenn man bei Google-maps folgende Begriffe eingibt :
....kann man sich ueber den Streetvieuw dort ein wenig umsehen.Nette Gegend !
Die Strasse geht uebrigens nur bis Hausnummer 114
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Ich hab mal zu pst-nl gegurgelt und das hier gefunden:
Pst.nl ("PST Home") is a domain controlled by three name servers at nxs.nl. Two of them are on the same IP network. The primary name server is ns1.nxs.nl. Incoming mail for pst.nl is handled by two mail servers at pst.nl and nxs.nl. Both are on different IP networks. Pst.nl has one IP number.
C3.nl, hv-hb.nl, yusen.lu, iucab.org, vantill.nl and at least 15 other hosts point to the same IP. Gebo.nl, hear.nl, promez.nl, solvec.nl, durand.nl and at least seven other hosts share both name servers and mail servers with this domain. Sefi2009.com, picassoweb.nl and kokenmetrenske.nl use this as a mail server under another name. Nxs.nl, wza.nl, maq2.nl, sktb.nl, ab-c.nl and at least 36 other hosts share name servers with this domain. Mimir.nu, jambolaya.nl, reisgids.net, reisgids.com, jambolaya.com and at least six other hosts share name servers under another name with this domain. Gvn.nl, hi1.nl, dse.nl, kno.nl, equa.nl and at least 50 other hosts share mail servers with this domain. Lely.net, grabo.nl, web123.nl, quillo.nl, climex.net and at least 29 other hosts share mail servers under another name with this domain. Mail.pst.nl are subdomains to this hostname.
More information
You might also be interested in pst.pl, pst.no, pst.us, pst.lt and pst.es.
Pst.nl is hosted on a server in Netherlands.
Trustworthiness of this site is good. (more on reputation).It is not listed in any blacklists.Search for pst.nl.
Bait save
Herrmann the German
Beiträge: | 970 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2008 |
Wegen Chantal hab ich den Song lile etwas vernachlässigt.
Hang Seng Bank
Datum: Thu 08/07/10 19:17
Song Lile hochgeschätzter Verwalter des schwarzen Geldes
Was ist das für eine neue Bank, die keine Höflichkeiten kennt?
Nur ein Formular mit 3 Seiten der Schriftlichkeit und keine AGb die immer für den Geldeinzähler lesbar sein müssen.
Song Lile es ist eine durchlauchtigte dummköpfigkeit mir so etwas anzubieten. Ich bleibe bei meiner Auslandsbank mit der intimen Beziehung.
Du kannst gerne mir dein Geld mit vielen Grüßen dorthin schicken.
Song liles Antwort
Datum: Fri 09/07/10 01:59
Dear Brother,
Thank you for your mail and your suggestion to use your bank.Actually the reason I decides to use POST BANK is because the bank is of the same telextype as
my bank,hence any transfer between the bank and my bank would be seen as an in-house transfer, this will avoid the attention of certain financial bodies that
have strict monetary policies,you have nothing to worry regarding this.
The authorities would simply believe this transfer to be a bank to bank affair and it would not raise eyebrows or trigger any red flags, it is necessary to
take precautions on issues like this, and I have to ensure that our interest are protected in this transaction.I am a proffesional banker and I expect you to
follow my instructions, for the success of this transaction.
It is late here, but I will stay up late to get feedback from you, I am still expecting a confirmation.
Best regards,
Song Li
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Magnus ist wegen der Hitze noch etwas durcheinander.
Verkehrter Geldverteiler,
also ich konnte nicht schreiben weil ich wegen der großen Hitze ins Kreiswehrersatzkrankenhaus mußte, in die Kühlkammer.
Das mit der Telexleitung hat mir mein aufliniensprachumwandler unverständlich geschrieben. Überweisung ist Überweisung undGeld ist auf dem Konto und meine intime Schalterbeziehung macht es mir richtig.
also großmäuliger Bankmann schicke das Geld und und ich bin dein Freund.
Magnus Horatio
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Ich schmeiss mich weg. Super Wortspielchen!
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
Nach langer Zeit kam eine Antwort von der Mira. die hat es aber noch nicht gerafft
Dear Valued Client
This is to inform you that we have received your mail and your enquiry
on how to open an offshore account also we sent you the account opening
forms and the types of offshore accounts we operate in post bank with
there deposit. Kindly informed us if your are still interested in
opening this account with us.
Thanks in advance for banking with us.
Mrs. Mira Van Boss
Ph: +31 647 090 948
Fax: +31 847 414 028
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
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