Nachts im irc-Chat von ICQ:
der Lord höchst persönlich erkundigt sich nach meinem Wohlergehen und dem meiner Familie. Wie reizend, da muss man einfach antworten.
03:44 lord_791 • hello,how is everything with you and your lovely family, hope all is well.
03:48 • lord_791:#germany [Lord@C5DF4AC6.36793A86.D3E3EE16.IP] has left #germany [lord_791]
04:00 Eric_ • yeah everything is fine, thanks
04:01 lord_791 • praise God/yah
04:05 lord_791 • how is ur family doing
04:06 Eric_ • they are doing great
04:06 Eric_ • thanks for asking
04:08 lord_791 • you are always welcome
Nach kurzer Zeit steht fest: der Lord hat große Probleme:
04:15 lord_791 • but im here in Ghana suffering
04:15 lord_791 • im in Ghana
04:16 Eric_ • oh im sorry to hear that
04:16 lord_791 • yes
04:16 lord_791 • im a poor homeless refugee boy living in Ghana as a refugee
04:17 Eric_ • im sorry to hear
04:17 Eric_ • im surprised that u have access to a pc with internet thought
04:17 lord_791 • it's ok
04:17 lord_791 • the Lord is in control
04:19 Eric_ • glad to hear that u can believe that
04:19 lord_791 • sure
04:20 Eric_ • i cant
04:20 lord_791 • i go through some days without eating but God sees me through so i believe in him
04:20 lord_791 • to get food here is very difficult for me
04:21 Eric_ • how do you get food?
04:21 lord_791 • i do go around to help wash some people cloth just to get food to eat for me and my niece
04:22 lord_791 • life is very difficult my dear
04:23 Eric_ • oh u also have to feed your niece?
04:23 lord_791 • yes
04:24 lord_791 • she is my only family
04:24 Eric_ • how old?
04:24 lord_791 • i raise her
04:24 Eric_ • how old is she?
04:24 lord_791 • she was very little when her mother died
04:24 lord_791 • she is 14yrs
04:24 lord_791 • im 22yrs
04:24 Eric_ • ah okay
Ein armer Flüchtling der in Ghana mit seiner Nichte ums nackte überleben kämpft! Wie herzergreifend... und mich an euch erinnernd die perfekte Urlaubsbeschäftigung ;)
Nur wie kann man dem armen Mann nur helfen?
04:38 Eric_ • how could i help you?
04:39 lord_791 • pls help me and my niece to get food to eat for this christmas
04:39 lord_791 • pls
04:39 Eric_ • well
04:39 Eric_ • how?
04:39 lord_791 • i know it is shameful but i have to ask not to steal
04:40 Eric_ • what do you mean?
04:40 lord_791 • i need ur help pls
04:40 lord_791 • just to get food
04:42 lord_791 • are u there
04:43 Eric_ • yeah i am
04:44 lord_791 • i did sent u mail did u receive it
04:44 Eric_ • yes i already checked
04:45 lord_791 • ok
04:46 lord_791 • dear brother, im so sorry to bother you with my problems, but as i am chating with u now, im hungry
04:46 lord_791 • i don't know what my niece will eat tomorrow
04:47 lord_791 • pls help me get food
04:47 Eric_ • what can i do?
04:47 lord_791 • u can post some food stuff for us pls
04:47 lord_791 • pls
04:48 lord_791 • we really really do in need of sponsorship
04:48 lord_791 • help just to get food daily
04:48 Eric_ • it would take days till it arrives you
Viel gerede aber kein genauer Ansatz...
Die testmail die er mir geschickt hat kommt zumindest tatsächlich aus Ghana:
Zitat von
Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Local Registry
City: n/a
Country of Origin: Ghana
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline
für mich wirds jedenfalls Zeit ein paar mehr Informationen einzuholen...
04:49 Eric_ • where are you exactly?
04:49 lord_791 • im in Ghana
04:49 Eric_ • maybe theres some help organisation near
04:50 Eric_ • ghana is a big country
04:50 lord_791 • no one wants to help african leaders are very wicky
04:51 lord_791 • no help at all
04:51 Eric_ • i found some
04:51 lord_791 • u can send me some finance if u can pls
04:52 Eric_ • they are building schools and hospitals and stuff
04:52 lord_791 • so i can buy a bag of rice
04:53 lord_791 • im not a Ghanian im a Liberian and no help for us cus we are not citizen
04:53 lord_791 • the citizen in Ghana are even unemploy
04:54 Eric_ • arent there refugee camps?
04:55 lord_791 • there is a refugee camp
04:55 lord_791 • im currently on the refugee camp
04:55 lord_791 • but no care for us
04:56 Eric_ • what time is it?
04:57 lord_791 • it is 3:56am
04:57 lord_791 • i do sleep at the internet cafe cus i have no place to sleep
04:57 lord_791 • my niece do sleep with her friend
04:58 lord_791 • things are very worst on me my friend
04:59 Eric_ • im sorry for that
Ahhja... man schläft also in einem Internetcafe... in einem Flüchtlingslager wo sich niemand kümmert? Natürlich. Naja Zeit, Konditionen aufzustellen...
05:04 lord_791 • pls help
05:05 Eric_ • you know... i would
05:05 Eric_ • i would if i could be sure that the story you are telling me is true
05:06 lord_791 • i can come on cam with my little niece so u can believe n trust me
05:06 lord_791 • no need to lie for food
05:07 Eric_ • i want pictures of the camp
05:07 Eric_ • that webcam thing is a nice idea too
05:08 lord_791 • ok
05:08 lord_791 • right now no money to take some picture
05:08 lord_791 • but i will try
05:08 lord_791 • ok
05:08 Eric_ • good
05:08 lord_791 • i have your email i send the pictures
05:08 Eric_ • great
05:09 Eric_ • also send me a pic of you and your niece
05:09 Eric_ • i want to see who im gonna helping
05:10 lord_791 • ok
05:10 lord_791 • may God bless you
05:10 lord_791 • i will do so
Nachdem der Versuch, einen Chat-Termin festzulegen scheiterte, verschwand der Lord dann. So viel zeit will ich mir dann doch nicht ans Bein binden...
2 Tage später kam nun die erste Email...
Hi Eric,
How are you doing, hope all is well with you and your lovely family.
About two days now I have been awaiting you online but i did not see you, hope you are keeping me and my little niece in your daily prayers.
I have taken the picture you needed to see for me and my niece, I will have to email them to you so you can see and know who talks with you as refugee.
it's your friend George Wilson the refugee boy
from West Africa Ghana.
Stay blessed
Und die Header-Analyse zeigt:
Zitat von
Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Local Registry
City: n/a
Country of Origin: Ghana
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline
Whops...andere IP? Hier ist doch was Faul...
Naja freundlich geantwortet hab ich trotzdem schonmal (natürlich mit Verschleierungstechnik):
Hello my friend George,
I'm doing very well thank you. I hope you and your niece are fine too, even though I have to tell you that I can't pray for you.
Sorry about me not showing up on messenger. I can't log in for some reason. I wish I could see you and your little niece. Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you were able to take pictures. I'm already excited to see them. I'm awaiting your email.
Keep strong and take care.
Mal schauen wie es weiter geht. Über Anregungen von euch wäre ich sehr dankbar, ich hab nicht ganz so viel Erfahrung... Vielleicht kann man ja etwas aus meiner Gottlosigkeit machen ;)
EDIT: Ich war mir mit dem Forum nicht ganz sicher, falls ich im falschen Forum gelandet bin bitte ich das zu entschuldigen und ins richtige Forum zu verschieben. Danke.
i do sleep at the internet cafe cus i have no place to sleep
Der kann sich halt kein Hotel leisten ... Abgesehen davon, wer schläft denn nicht gerne an seinem Arbeitsplatz?
Spätestens wenn dann die Bitte nach einer Überweisung über Western Union kommt kannst Du ihm ja Zwiebeln schicken, die sind ja auch gut gegen den Hunger ""
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
Ganz wichtig ist, dass er dir noch heute ein Bild mit von sich und seiner Nichte und einem Weihnachtsgruss auf einem Schild oder Zettel sendet !
Damit du siehst , mit wem du es zu tun hast.
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Ganz wichtig ist, dass er dir noch heute ein Bild mit von sich und seiner Nichte und einem Weihnachtsgruss auf einem Schild oder Zettel sendet !
Damit du siehst , mit wem du es zu tun hast.
Der Zettel oder das Schild sollten aber handgeschrieben sein, sonst bekommst du was mit photoshop oder ähnlichem untergejubelt. wobei man aber sagen muß: Mugus sind ganz schlechte Fälscher.
Kontrollier das Bild auf eine ex-if Datei.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
George hat sich gemeldet:
Helly Dear friend Eric,
I wish you a merry Christmas, I'm sorry I have not been able to send me and my little niece pictures to you, it due to lack of money to get them attach to my email.
It is costly to do so, when i get someone to help me do so i will surelly email them to you.
Hope all is well with you, I wish you were able to send some money for me to get some food for me and my niece this Christmas. I'm currently picking up some plastic bags to sale them so that i can get some few cup of rice bought for us, i have to do so because i have no where to turn for help except you, but don't worry if you can not afford for now.
I wish you God's blessing and protections for everything you do in this life.
Zitat von
Header Analysis Quick Report<br>Originating IP:<br>Originating ISP: Local Registry<br> City: n/a<br>Country of Origin: Ghana<br>* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline
Die IP ist wieder die Selbe wie in der ersten Mail.
Ich hab dann direkt nach dem Bild mit dem Schild gefragt. Außerdem will ich noch mehr über die wahrscheinlich unglaublich traurige Geschichte der beiden wissen:
Dear George,
I'm so sorry to read how hard it is for you and your niece, but i wish you both a Merry Christmas anyways. I would like to help you so much but I hope you understand that I want to know about who I am helping.
Can I ask you for a little Christmas present for me? I would love to see a picture of you and your little niece holding up a sign reading: "Happy Christmas from George and <your nieces name goes here> to our friend Eric!" You can do this with the webcam so its not so expensive for you. It is also enough when the sign is a simple handwritten one.
I also would like to know more about the both of you. I don't even know the name of your niece. Tell me more about your story, I'd be glad to hear about it in your next email.
Keep strong and take care.
Ein paar aktive Tage liegen hinter uns. Zunächst die wie erwartet rührende Geschichte:
Zitat von thanks so much for you concern Sonntag, den 26. Dezember 2010, 5:43:49
Hello Eric,
Thanks so much for your great respond to my mail, I'm trying to get the pictures yu ask me for. My little niece name is Jeridine Davids and she is 14yrs old, below is our story.
We are from an African nation called Liberia and we are currently living in Ghana as a refugee due to the civil war that took place in Liberia.
My father was killed before my eyes and all his houses and properties got burned. As for my mother and my older siste which is Jeridine's mother, I have not seen them since the war, i am not sure if they are dead or still alive. It was my school teacher who brought me and my niece to Ghana on this refugee camp on a boat. But she is now dead due to illness/Malaria and lot of suffering she was going through to protct us, we are now left homeless without any parental care support.
We are living on a refygee camp called Buduburam, it is located in Ghana, west Africa.
Things are very difficult on us, many refugees on this camp get support by individuals sponsorship.Me and my niece major problems are food, clothes and medicine for malaria treatment. I always go around to help wash people clothes, cook for them and clearn up in their houses just to get food for me and my niece to eat daily.
Whenever I get sick without doing such work, it means we will spend the entire day or days without eating. You may also ask how do I get access to internet? There is an internet cafe near the refugee camp, I do clearn up in this internet cafe just to be allow to use the internet for short time. With this, I am able to ask some few people for helping hands, but no one wants to help me and my poor little niece.
But I do give our Lord praises for making me and my niece to live everyday without dying out of hunger/ stavation. If i cntinue explaining all of our living conditions, you may not be able to read all in an hour or two. I am bagging you in the name of God, please help us with food, even if you can not do so personally, Please help to fine us a sponsorship that will sent us monthly support so that we can get food to eat daily.Ask a friend, family and community
Thanks, may God bless you and your family.
George Wilson and Jeridine Davids
From Ghana, West Africa.
Zitat von
Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Local Registry
City: n/a
Country of Origin: Ghana
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline
Darauf hatte ich gar keine Chance zu antworten, ein Tag später kamen dann gleich 3 Mails mit Bildern.
Hi my Dear brother Eric,
Here are some of my picturees, I do pick up those plastic and sale them just to get food for me and my niece Jeridine to eat.
(dazu gehören die bilder george9, george10, george11)
Originating IP:
Hi Brother, That's me and my Niece Jeridine in those Pictures
(dazu gehören bilder george6, george7, george8, george9)
Originating IP:
Hi Dear brother,
Here is me and my niece in those pictures. That's where we live.
(dazu gehören bilder georg, george1, george2, george3, george4, george5)
Originating IP:
Noch ne kleine Analyse zu den Fotos:
Alle hatten tatsächliche EXIF-Infos (unglaublich was da alles drinsteht, war mir gar nicht bewusst). Ich hab zu jedem nur mal ein Kamera und Datum notiert (irgendwie erschien mir das grad eben sinnvoll, inzwischen allerdings nicht mehr wirklich)
Zitat von george.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
April 5, 2010 9:04:21AM
Zitat von george1.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
April 5, 2010 9:04:51AM
Zitat von george2.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:36:07AM
Zitat von george4.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:36:36AM
Zitat von george5.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:39:56AM
Zitat von george6.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:40:22AM
Zitat von george7.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:41:06AM
Zitat von george8.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:41:34AM
Zitat von george9.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:46:32AM
Zitat von george10.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:47:52AM
Zitat von george11.jpg
Canon Digital IXUS 70
December 23, 2010 11:53:24AM
Kurz zusammenfassend: Bis auf die ersten beiden Bilder alle vom 23. Dezember. An dem Tag hatte er mir auch in einer Mail geschrieben, dass er die Bilder grad gemacht hat. Soweit deckt sich das ganze also. Weiterhin passen die auch alle inhaltlich zusammen, selbst auf den Beiden bildern vom April ist augenscheinlich das selbe Haus zu sehen. Was nicht zur Story passen zu scheint sind die Personen selbst. Wenn ich mir die Bilder so angucke sieht sie viel älter als 14 aus und er viel jünger als 22. Wenn überhaupt dann doch eher umgekehrt. Was sagt ihr dazu? Wie soll ich darauf jetzt reagieren? Mal aus Spaß nachfragen, was er für eine Kamera benutzt? Auf alle Fälle muss ich nochmal wegen dem Bild mit Schild nachhaken.
(Sorry dass es ein bisschen lang geworden ist. gibts hier im Forum eigentlich eine "spoiler"-Funktion?)
EDIT: Irgendwie mag das Forum die Bilder (zip archiv) nicht annehmen. gibt es da eine Beschränkung? Ich hab sie deshalb erstmal hier online geworfen:
So mal ein kleines Update. Nachdem ich auf die Bilder-Mails nicht reagiert hab kam am 2.1. eine Art Erinnerungs/ich bin noch da Mail:
Hello Dear friend Eric, how are you doing, hope all is well because it has been long since i last receive mail from you. I wish you and your family a wonderful and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Why you have not respond to my mail since I send me and my niece pictures and life story? I hope all is well with you, my dear friend.
Happ new year
Zitat von
Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Local Registry
City: n/a
Country of Origin: Ghana
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline
darauf schrob ich dann:
Hello George,
sorry that I didn't reply to the mails with the pictures. I really liked them, even though im still waiting for one that shows you and your niece with a sign (I asked for one that says something like "Happy Christmas", maybe we should change that to "Happy new year from George and Jeridine from Africa").
My year didn't start off very well. My mother had a terrible accident and is in hospital since then. That's also the reason why i didn't reply. Sorry about that. I wish you a happy new year too, I hope I can help you with that. Hope you and Jeridine are doing well.
Keep strong and take care.
Dann er wieder, mitfühlend wie er ist:
Hello Brother,
I'm so sorry to hear that sad news about your mother, please take good care of her and wish her happy new year from George and Jeridine. I will surely take the picture with the sign you asked about, I'm still trying to get help from someone here who will help me take that picture for free. brother, once again I'm so sorry for your mother and please forcus on her for now, ok, I know she needs a good care until she gets better.
I love you, brother
George Wilson.
IP ist wieder wie in der anderen mail zuvor.
Klingt fast ein bisschen als ob er kein Bock mehr auf meine Verzögerungstaktik hat. Deshalb war ich auch relativ überrascht als gestern tatsächlich 2 Mails mit je 5 (in beiden Mails identlischen) Bildern ankamen. Ein Stichprobenartiger EX-IF test zeigt, dass die alle gestern gegen 9-10 geschossen wurden.
Hier noch die Header Analyse der Emails mit den Bildern:
Zitat von
Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Local Registry
City: n/a
Country of Origin: Ghana
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline
Hier noch eine auswahl an bildern:
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