Heino Hinzundkunz - Abiturient und immer pleite hat ein lukratives Jobangebot bekommen. Von einer japanischen Firma mit .hk Mailadresse und nigerianischer IP. Na wenn das nicht seriös ist...
Japan Globa Investment company Ltd.
Trusty Kojimachi Bldg. 3-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku-ku, Tokyo .
102-0083 Japan .
I represent the Japan Globa Investment company Ltd, based in Japan which manufactures, supplies and exports pharmaceutics, and
other chemical products for world trade.
We are currently searching for representatives to help us establish a foreign base of operations, contacting our customers around
the world, as well as receiving payments as our accounts officer. As our representative, you will receive 10% of the total amount
you clear for the company through foreign payments.
If you are interested, please answer the questions below, and send your
response to :
1. Your Full Name
2. Telephone number
3. Fax
4. Contact Address
5. Date of Birth
6. Present Occupation
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Woo Liang.
Globa Investment company Ltd.
Dear Sirs,
Thanks für your interesting offer. I'm 18 years old and have just graduatet my a-levels. But I have a account and can do money transfer. I life in Germany.
Can I apply for the job than or am I too young? Could you give me a phone number?
Thanks and regards
Dear Heino,
On behalf of our company Globa Investment company Ltd we wish to thank you for your urgent reply to our mail and acting as our agent.
Your age is okay since you have an account but the issue is that we would want to know the limit your account can carry because most times our client do make big amount of payment so please we would want to know your limit first then we can now know the next step to take.
Once again we do thank you for your reply.
Woo Liang.
Globa Investment company Ltd.
Dear Mr. Liang,
thanks for your fast answer. On my account there is a sum of 5000€ which my parents remitted me for my studies. So according to the German laws I can withdraw up to 5500€ at the moment. Is that ok?
And there might be another problem. I want to be honest with you: I don't have a good English grade. Is that a problem? I mean, do you think my English is good enough?
And I have a last question:
I have ever wanted to travel to Hongkong once in my life. If we work good together will it possible to work a few weeks in your subsidiary in Hongkong?
Thanks and regards
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino,
Please we do advice you to forward your full and correct details as soon as possible so that we can start work. We would want to know if your account can be able to carry up to 10000€ .
1. Your Full Name
2. Telephone number
3. Fax
4. Contact Address
5. Date of Birth
6. Present Occupation
Woo Liang.
Dear Mr. Lian,
sorry, I had a problem with my computer, so I couldn't come online. Please find my ID attached. My name and my birthday is on it.
My contact adress is:
Cosimastr. 60
81377 München
Phone Number: +49 xxx
Occupation: student
My account is able to carry up to 10.000€. I hope my mail is not too late - and I hope my bad English-mark is not a problem. Do I get a contract?
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino,
Thanks for all your details and once again we are very happy for you working for us so please we do advice you to look out because we have forwarded all your details to the client and he should be able to contact you by today and once you do hear from him we do advice you to get back to him and please do follow is instruction so that there would be no mistake at all please.
The name of the client is Mr Paul Harris so please once you hear from him do get back to him and get back to us please. Awaiting your reply.
Woo Liang.
Oh, der erste Kunde
Dear Heino,
Have been asked to contact you by Mr Woo Liang of Globa Investment company Ltd.
to make my first part payment to you on behalf of the company as am owning the company so funds for products collected from them .
Please l would need the correct information from you as soon as possible and please be noted this is going to be my first part payment as l would be making my payment to you at once.
The details needed from you is as follow;
Without this information l can not be able to make any payment as l would not want any mistake.Your urgent reply.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
Dear Mr. Harris,
It's a pleasure working for you. My data is:
Name: Heino Hinzundkunz (Age: 18)
Adress: Cosimastraße 20
81377 München
Phone: +49 32 21 - 1321 814
Bank Name: Bayerische Landesbank
Bank Adress: Brienner Str. 18 80333 München Germany
How much money do you want to transfer and how much will I get for it?
Ui - eine erboste Antwort von meinem Chef. Büro ist halt Krieg
Dear Heino,
We are told by the client Mr Paul Harris that you are asking him question
about what you are going to get from the money,we do not expect you to be
asking the client such question when you are working for us so please you
better stop that so as not to go and make any mistake,if you want to ask any
question do ask me okay.
We have told you before that any payment collected by you on behalf of the
company 10% is yours why the balance is forwarded to us so please we do not
expect you to make any more mistake.He has told us that you have contacted
him with your details.
Woo Liang.
Das tut mir aber leid
Dear Mr. Liang,
I'm really sorry, I'm really not experienced being a financial agent - it's my first job. I hope the customer was not angry.
I hope you can accept my apologize.
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Thanks for your details and l do advice you to please forward all your questions to Mr Woo Liang of Globa Investment company Ltd as l can not know what they are paying you.
For your information l wish to let you know taht you would soon hear from you as l would sending you a cheque which you have to deposit with your bank and it should not atke more than four working days to clear in your account.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Im realen Leben bin ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt umgezogen. Ja, das Studentenleben hat auch mal ein Ende. Seit zwei Wochen muss ich feststellen, dass man als Berufstätiger nicht mehr Zeit hab als vor dem Abschluss Heute habe ich festgestellt, dass ich förmlich mit Mails bombardiert wurde:
Dear Heino,
Morning to you,we are very sorry that we have not contacted you since because we are waiting to hear from the client Mr Paul Harris and he has told us that he has forwarded is first part payment to you by cheque so please once you get it l would advice you to deposit it with your bank and let us know the out come.
We should be waiting to hear from you.
Woo Liang.
Dear Heino,
What is going on because we have not heard from you and the client said he has not heard from you as well and that he is going to stop the cheque.Please you have to get back to us as soon as possible because by now you should have seen the cheque.
Woo Liang.
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
What is going on because when l have not forwarded the cheque to you am always hearing from you but since l did send the cheque and told you about it l have not heard from you any more,anyway for your information l wish to let you that the cheque is on hold untill l haer from you because l have told mt accountant not to clear the cheque since l have not heard anything from you.
Have a nice day.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
Dear Heino,
What is going on because we have not heard from you and the client said he has not heard from you as well and that he is going to stop the cheque.Please you have to get back to us as soon as possible because by now you should have seen the cheque.
Woo Liang.
Und ein Anruf mit unbekannter Nummer auf der Arcor Mailbox
Your Phone number is not going.
Paul Harris
Hm. Normal werden doch Jobmugus immer früher müde. Mal sehen, ob er noch nen Check schickt. Vielleicht ans BKA:
Hello Mr. Harris,
I'm really sorry that I haven't answered you. I had to move because the semester has started and I've started studying Bullenkunde know. No, there was no cheque that received me. I give you my new adress - please send it again. Maybe there was an error with the spelling. I live on the campus now and I'm studying Bullenkunde which is a agricultural aubject - so don't wonder about the long adress.
BullenKunde - Akademie (BKA)
c/o Heino Hinz und Kunz
Thaerstr. 11
65193 Wiesbaden
Please send the cheque again. I promise you, to answer you immediately after I have received your cheque! If you call me and I can't answer the phone you can just speak on my callbox.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Paul Harris kommt aus: Nigeria Stadt leider N/A
Globa Ltd schreibt von USA Stadt N/A Anbieter: Global Crossing - Also sitzt er irgendwo auf der Welt (evtl. auch in Nigeria). Hab aber deshalb den Eindruck, dass es sich um zwei Personen handelt.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Ziemlich flott der Mr. Harris, der anscheinend im schönen Lagos wohnt ( Lagos, Nigeria)
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Am so sorry to hear this that you have moved but is not possible for me to send another cheque to your new address as you should have told me that you are moving so please just follow my advice,all you have to do is to go back to your old address where l have forwarded the cheque to you as the cheque should be there by on the 28th or 29th.
That is my advice and if you don't go to pick it up you have to let me know but there is no way l can forward another cheque to you,very sorry about that.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
Dear Mr. Harris,
sorry, I was so happy that I was allowed to begin my studies that I have forgotten to tell you that I was going to move. OK, I think my parents will get your cheque than.
I'll try to pick your cheque up, ok? What do I have to do after I receive it?
Thanks and regards
Heino Hinzundkunz
Jetzt mal ne doofe Frage: Was passiert, wenn man jemand Falschen einen Scheck schickt. In meinem Fall kommt er bei ner Kaserne raus. Die leiten den wahrscheinlich an die Polizei weiter, oder?
Meint ihr, der Mugu freut sich, wenn Heino ein wenig die Sau mit dem Geld rauslässt? Wie sagte eins ein weiser Mann:
"Mein Geld habe ich für Frauen und Alkohol ausgegeben. Den Rest habe ich verprasst" Oder so ähnlich
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Good to hear from you as all you need to do is to deposit the cheque with your bank so l would advice you to go over to your bank and have it deposited as it should not take more than four working days to clear.
Once you have deposited it please you most let me know so as to let my accountant know about it so as to clear it on time and also l expect you to contact Mr Woo Liang of Globa Investment company who would tell you what to do with the funds,but l promise to forward another part payment after you have cleared this first one with your bank and l would forward it to this new address.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
So, jetzt bräuchte ich eure Hilfe, da ich im echten Leben noch nie mit Schecks zu tun hatte. Wenn ich theoretisch einen Scheck einlösen würde, hieße dass, das das Mugugeld theoretisch auf meinem Konto landen würde und der Mugu wüsste, dass ichs abgehoben hab, oder? Hab noch keine Ahnung, wie ich den Bait weiterführen soll. Habt ihr anderen schonmal Erfahrungen mit Schecks in Baits gemacht? Schonmal Danke für die Anregungen.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Schecks werden deinem Konto unter Vorbehalt gutgeschrieben, Du kannst erst nach sechs Wochen sicher sein das die Kohle verfügbar ist oder Du löst den bei der ausstellenden Bank ein dann kann Mugu nicht nachvollziehen wer den Scheck einlöste. Könnte auch der liebe Postbote gewesen sein
Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
Heute kamen wieder zwei Mails von Paul Harris:
Um 9:00(MEZ) von
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Morning to you,l would please advice you to start looking out for the cheque as from today as you might get it today or tomorrow and l would advice you to let me know so as to contact my accountant to be able to clear it on time.
Would be so please to hear from you.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
Und um 17:30(MEZ) etwas genervter von
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Have not heard from you after my last mail to you because from details the cheque should have been picked up by you today so please can l get to hear from you so as to contact my accountant at once.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
Der hats ja mal eilig.
Danke für eure Tipps, Jungs. Hab beschlossen, erstmal ein wenig das Spiel des Mugus weiterzuspielen:
Hello Mr. Harris,
sorry, I was in the train all day because I was travelling home to pick your envelope. Now I'm back at home again. Please give me a call what I should do with the ceque tomorrow. If you can't reach me because of my damn cellphone (I really have to buy a new one) please speak on my mailbox.
Vielleicht ruft er ja an...
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Am happy to know you have the cheque with you now,as l have advice you before please can you go over to your bank and have the cheque deposited at once and your bank would tell you when is going to clear.
You have to do that today and get back to me as soon as possible.
Yours Faithfully
Paul Harris.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Mr. Harris,
the bank says that it usually lasts up to 6 week to clear international checks due to the strict anti-corruption-legislation in Germany.
But the woman at the bank told me that there is a possibility to hurry the process up if we try to apply for a special identification procedure. She forwarded me a form that you have to fill in then.
May I forward this form to you or shall we wait this "up to 6 weeks"?
I wait for your answer.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Ich verstehe ihn so: Er will ein Formular ausfüllen Dann bastel ich mal eins...
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
There is no way the cheque can take up to six weeks to clear as that is just to long so l would advice yyou to please forward the form to me.
Mr Woo Liang.of Globa Investment company Ltd is not happy at all that he has not heard from you about this cheque,please l expected you to be telling him everything we are doing because you are working for their company and not me. Please do contact Mr Woo Liang and then forward to me the form.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr Paul Harris.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Ohje eine böse Mail von Globa Ltd.:
Dear Heino,
What is going on,you have been dealing with Mr Paul Harris without telling us about the cheque tyhat you have already deposited,what kind of a person are you and you say you are working for us,we feel so sad dealing with you like this.
Woo Liang.
Das tut mir aber leid....:
Dear Woo,
I'm really sorry. Mr. Harris send me the cheque to the adress of my parents. I went there by train (200km) to pick it up for him. After that I went to my bank.
They said that it will last up to 6 weeks until they can clear the cheque. The only possibility to speed this process up is too fill in a form for a special identification procedure. I have forwarded this form to Mr. Harris but he hasn't filled it in yet. When I have the form I can bring it to the bank immediately.
Sorry, I was really busy with studying and travelling home, going to the bank and so on. So didn't manage to write you. Next time I will inform you about everything I do. I promise it. Please give me a last chance.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Morning to you and how is your day going,l was able to talk to my accountant yesterday but the delay in clearing the cheque into your account and he has promise to see what to do.
l got an urgent contact from him today saying that l should please asked you for your full account details such as;
Bank Name;
Bank Address;
Account Number;
Bank Telephone Number;
Bank Fax Number
Account Name;
Please if there is any other informations l should get about your account you have to forward this details to me as soon as possible because he wants to make sure that my bank do have an urgent contact to your bank so as to clear the cheque deposited as we can not be waiting for so long in getting the cheque cleared.
Awaiting your urgent reply with the full details.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr Paul Harris.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Und Ltd Globa schreibt ebenfalls:
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
We are so happy hearing from you now and we have asked Mr Paul Harris to please fill the form and send it back to you but he said he would want you to forward your bank details with your bank fax number as he would want is bank to deal with your bank as soon as possible so please do that and get back to him. Awaiting your update.
Yours Faithfully
Paul Harris.
Liebe erfahrene Baiter, könntet ihr mir einen Rat geben? Ich bin mir nicht sicher, welche Angaben ich beim Konto machen soll. Ich hab zu Beginn des Baits die "Bayerische Landesbank" angegeben, um die Kontoverbindung des Bayerischen Finanzamtes angeben zu können - die Jungs sollten ihr Konto im Griff haben .
Weiß aber nicht, ob ich heut antworten kann, da ich jetzt im echten Leben eine Verkleidung für heute organisieren muss und da sehr sehr spät dran bin. Mitbaiter aus Faschings- (Karnevals-) hochburgen können auch gern Tipps geben. Ansonsten geh ich als Oga
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Hello Mr. Harris,
I hope, you and your family have had a good weekend. Here is the data you requested:
Bank Name: Bayerische Landesbank
Bank Address: Brienner Str. 18 80333 München Germany
Account Number(IBAN): DE37 xxx
Bank Telephone/ Fax Number: +49 89 xxx
Account Name: Heino Hinzundkunz
The Website of the bank is: http://www.bayernlb.de/ - there you can look up everything.
On tuesday and wednesday the banks in Munich are closed because of the "Fasching". So please fill in the form today or tomorrow morning that I can bring it to the bank tomorrow. Otherwise everything will last 3 days longer.
Is it ok, when I give your email to the bank? So they could contact you via mail if you need further information.
Thanks and regards
Die Kontoverbindung ist vom Bayerischen Finanzamt geliehen - die Jungs sollten ihr Konto im Griff haben Die Telefonnummer ist die Faxnummer der Bank. Somit wird der Mugu einiges an Pfeifen zu hören kriegen. Um mehr Vertrauen zu erwecken, setze ich die "Ltd Globa" jetzt immer CC.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino Hinzundkunz,
Thanks for your account details as l have forwarded to my accountant and my bank should be able to contact your bank soon so as to clear the cheque on time.Please once more l do say thanks.
Paul Harris.
Soll er das checken - ich hab Zeit
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Aber die Zeit nutze ich schonmal um den Auftritt von Dr. Wilde Wutz, der Bankberaterin vorzubereiten:
Dear Mr. Harris,
thanks for your answer. Mrs. Dr. Wilde Wutz, the Director Foreign Operations told me, that she wants to assist you with the forms to speed the process up. You can email her:
xxx@googlemail.com. Of course I did not give her your name or your number. But it would be good if you contact her.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Ihr Kunde
Datum: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 15:53:32 +0100
Von: Dr. Wilde Wutz <xxx@googlemail.com>
An: xxx@arcor.de
Lieber Herr Hinzundkunz,
gerne würden wir Ihrem Partner helfen, verstehen aber, dass Sie uns
seine Mailadresse aus Datenschutzgründen nicht weiterleiten möchten.
Bitte richten Sie ihm aus, dass er sich jederzeit gerne an mich wenden
kann. Ich werde seine Fragen beantworten und ihm bei den Formalitäten
Geben Sie ihm meine Mailadresse: international.bayernlb@googlemail.com
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With best regards
Dr. Wilde Wutz
Director Foreign Operations
Tel/Phone: +49 xxx
Bayerische Landesbank
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
xxx Str. 18
D-80333 München
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino,
Am sending you this mail because of what my accountant told me today that my bank has promise to get back to your bank by tomorrow or next so please from what my accountant told me l would advice you to go over to your bank by next tomorrow so find out the position of the cheque since they are doing everything possible to clear it at once.Hope to hear from you soon.
Paul Harris.
Ich stell mich mal doof
Dear Mr. Harris,
I don't understand... Do you want me to get the cheque from my bank and send back to you?
Thanks and regards
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
Dear Heino,
l did not ask you to get the cheque from your bank please live it there,what am saying is that my bank is going to fax your bank by tomorrow or next to clear the cheque for you so once l hear from my bank l would let you know what to do by tomorrow or next.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Harris.
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
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