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Western Union® Your Transfer Status!

#1 von Scambaiter , 03.03.2011 00:42

Mal wieder eine "Designer-Mail". Da lasse ich mich nicht Lumpen! Die 50,--$ USD schicke ich ihm... dem

Your Transfer Status!
Dienstag, 1. März, 2011 17:17 Uhr
Von: "Western Onion®"
An: Empfänger nicht bekannt
Send Money Worldwide

TELEPHONE 0022998263442

Attention: Beneficiary,
This is to notify all our clients about the latest development concerning all the PAYMENT that are left in our custody which yours are inclusive Besides, your where given a bill of $100.00. in order to receive your PAYMENT of which we did not hear from you for sometime now.

Hence, our (WESTERN Onion) is now offering a Special bonus to help all our customers that are having their PAYMENT in our custody due to because of price. in order words we are now requesting that those involve should pay only the sum of $50.00 intead of the $100 to receive all their PAYMENT abandoned in our custody.

Besides,this is the opportunity for you to comply and your funds shall be transfer to your destination address.
But note that after (3 DAYS) you did not make the payment of $50.00 then we will divert your funds to government treasury,to avoid problem or we will cancel the payment because we are closing all transfer for the season.

So be advise to send $50.00. immediately if you are still wiling to claim your payment so that we will register your payment once we receive the transfer charges because you will start receiving your payment as from tomorrow morning by 11 am our time here.

After the payment of $50.00 we will give you the full information to pick up your first payment of $5,000.00 through western Onion, Send the $50.00 through Western Onion Money Transfer with the information below:

1. Receiver Name :=======Okechukwu M. Frank
2. Country:======= Benin Republic.
3. City======================Cotonou
4. Question===========how long?
5. Answer:=========== tomorrow
6. Amount:===========US$50.00

Forward the payment control number, sender name and address after sending to enable pick up the money in this Department office here.

Note: that we do this to help all our customers so don't delay because any delay will make us to cancel your payment or divert payment to government to avoid problem because we don't have such time to delay anymore.

I am looking forward to receive payment of $50.00. immediately you send it to enable us to give your the full information which you will use to pick up your payment in any western Onion but failure to do so you will loose your payment because your have only today and tomorrow after that no more.

I wish you good luck,
Yours in service
Director (Mr.Hill Johnson) officer in charge !!!
Western Onion Department Head office
republic of Benin, Call 0022998263442

Western Onion Payments

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

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