Scammer: Phillip A. Summer, Geologe, wohnhaft in Chicago
Baiter: Rosa Roth, Psychologin, wohnhaft in Berlin
Beginn: 28.02.2014
Ende: Man weiß es nicht so genau. Es könnte schon morgen sein oder nächste Woche oder …
Phillip und Rosa haben sich bei Facebook kennengelernt. Es war eher Zufall , dass Rosa auf Phillips Profil aufmerksam wurde, war sie doch auf der Suche nach Verwandten in den USA, die im 2. Weltkrieg ausgewandert sind. Und wie sollte es anders sein, hießen doch diese nahen Verwandten mit Nachnamen Sommer. Und es hatte geklappt!
So kennen wir den Scammer, wie immer geht er im allerersten Chat in die Vollen.
I just wish you could be in my arms so I can warm you up, kiss you, cuddle you, do so many lovely things to you in bed
I want to bath you, take you to my bed naked, kiss you, tease you with my tongue to your breast, nipples
down to your thigh and suck your pussy
please don't mind my words, I just miss you so much
I want to hold you in my arms as my wife forever
Man chattete noch das eine oder andere Mal und eines Tages war es soweit. Phillip erhielt ein lukratives Angebot aus Nigeria, welchem er natürlich nicht widerstehen konnte.
Es ist in den letzten Wochen/Monaten einiges an Schriftverkehr zusammengekommen, daher möchte ich mit dem Tag der Abreise nach Nigeria beginnen.
Good morning Rosa, hope you had a wonderful night. Wow you went to cinema yesterday with your girlfriend, how was it? I am kind of missing you and I don't really know why, could this be love?
My flight leaves tonight so please send me your number so I can call you immediately I arrive.
I do think about you often and I just pray that this feeling should last forever. Can I call you honey or sweetie? Macht es um vieles einfacher.
I have to go finish packing my stuffs now, have a blessed day and always remember that I care.
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Aus einem voran gegangenen Bait wusste ich, dass der Scammer für Spiele nicht zu begeistern ist. Bei jeder Verarsche aus seiner Sicht, wittert er gleich einen Baiter oder jemanden, der halt nur spielen möchte. Daher hat Rosa sich erlaubt, ihm eine fehlerhafte Telefonnummer mitzuteilen.
Hello Phillip,
Is it love? Is it destiny? I just know that I so often have to think of you. I miss you and I'm saddened if you didn’t write me and it is getting worse by the day.
It was a wonderful evening yesterday. At first my girlfriend and I went to the cinema and we have looked at a German film, a comedy. And then we went to the disco. I laughed so much that I have sore muscles in my stomach today. I danced so much that my feet are hurting today.
Please tell me more about this contract. What are you going to do? How long will you stay in West Africa? Where is Melanie in the meantime? Who cares about her?
I wish you a peaceful and pleasant flight and I would be very happy if you would call me after your arrival. Here is my phone number +491522xxxx.
Yours Rosa
Natürlich ist Phillip in Nigeria gut angekommen, schreibt auch gleich eine Mail an Rosa usw. Zwei Tage später versucht er Rosa anzurufen.
Why did you give me a number that does not even exist? Please do not contact me anymore
An diesem Tag hat er Rosa zum ersten Mal bei Facebook blockiert.
Es kann doch mal passieren, dass man sich verschreibt (kleiner Zahlendreher war ihm gegönnt) oder nicht?
I’m checking my email from yesterday and I see that I made a mistake in writing. Sorry Phillip!
Here is my correct phone number +491522xxxx.
Why are you so angry? That can happen to anybody or?
Als ich am nächsten Tag nach Hause gekommen war und Rosas Postfach kontrollierte, wollte ich nicht glauben, was ich da las.
You are just a liar, such a mistake is not possible but was done on purpose. The number you gave to me now is an answering machine, you are playing games with me and I regretted falling in love with you.
Good bye
Der Bait hat noch gar nicht richtig angefangen und sollte wegen einem kleinen Zahlendreher schon vorbei sein? Ich hatte so eine Mordswut in meinem Bauch, dass ich spontan nach meinem Mugufon griff und den Scammer zurückgerufen habe. Na bitte, geht doch. Alles war gut.
I am so sorry for using such harsh words on you, I love you more than anything and the thought of losing you hurts. I was really happy hear your voice today thank you so much, I miss you
Höflichkeit kennt der Scammer offensichtlich nicht, denn nie (bis auf ein einziges Mal ziemlich am Ende) schrieb er in irgendeiner Mail eine anständige Anrede z.B. „Hello Rosa“ und nie verabschiedete er sich mit seinem Namen. Ist ja praktisch, kann man keinen Fehler machen.
Und schon wieder verfiel der Scammer in seine Paranoia.
How was work today? My contract with the Shell Group was approve yesterday. I am so happy now that I am going to start working fully next week. I have start making other for my equipment and the company promised to give me an advance payment of 30% next week because I have to rent offices and employ worker too. Check attachment for the signed document
Why did you not send me text message as promised last night? Please don't forget the pictures you promise and don't tell me you forget because you can still snap and send me some when you get home.
Miss you so much
Ok, es musste eine Ausrede her, warum Rosa ihm keine SMS schicken kann.
No, I have not forgotten to send you an SMS. The keypad of my mobile phone is crazy. I wanted to write "Good Morning ..." and every time I entered "g" seemed an "i" on the display. I pressed the button a few more times and suddenly was "high" on the display.
Ob er es verstanden hat? Aus Spaß habe ich einfach mal eine SMS „Good evening“ verschickt. Sah lustig aus.
Yes I got your message last night honey but I was very tired after work. How was your day? I miss you so much last night in my bed. Work is going fine here, have been able to employ all the workers I need, some of my equipment will be arriving from India tomorrow
It is all stressful down here and I have spend almost all the money, can you imagine that the community leader and chiefs are depending for bribe? They are too corrupt here, I had to pay them $ 28,000 just to allow me work in their community. Ach nee, hatte dich Rosa nicht vorgewarnt?
What time will you be at home? Please call me when you are online here, love you more than anything
Nein, Phillip hat Rosas Mail nicht verstanden.
You make me very sad each time you bluntly refuse to call or send text message. throughly you love me then you should call or send me text message every morning and night. I do doubt your love for me and it really hurts me. Good night
Ok, Rosa hatte die Faxen dicke.
My day was very well today. Until now!
Have you got and understand my last email? I don’t think.
You don’t trust me. I can’t change my past life here and now.
If you don’t understand this, then we should go a separate ways in the future.
Do you remember? I say to you for a few days “Please never doubt me again”.
Good Night
Ok, er hat sich wieder eingekriegt und hat Rosa eine Freundschaftsanfrage bei Facebook geschickt.
Natürlich alles nur aus Eigennutz.
Good morning Rosa, how is your weekend going? You said you had a dream about us and last night I had a dream about us too, it was so sweet and I wish never to wake up. I can't wait to hold you in my arms as my wife, kiss you good night, cuddle you, sleep and wake up every morning you your arms, make sweet love to you and have a baby, I am sure you want to have babies too (Smile). You are my missing rib and I want to live with you forever, I dream of the day I will be in Germany to see you and ask for your hand in marriage as my wife.
I had a very rough weekend because I am trying to raise some money to purchase the rest equipment which is going to cost $28,600 and my bank is has refuse to approve the second loan I applied for because it is too sudden. I have borrowed $22,000 from friends and right now I have no where to turn to. Please Rosa I need your assistance or rather a loan of $6,200 from you, I will pay with back 15% interest once I receive balance payment of 70% between 20th to 25th of April. I need this urgent because I have to start working fully by tomorrow Monday. Rosa you are my last hope and I expect good news from you.
I love you more than anything.
Fortsetzung folgt.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Mann seid ihr gut.... aber wisst ihr was? Bei mir war es zum Teil wirklich so, das ist das verrückte.... Mein Handy ging kaputt, mein Router spann rum und ich konnte zeitweilig nicht ins Internet, mein Telefon auf Arbeit streikte, das andere Handy hatte schlechten Empfang und ich hab brav immer genau das geschrieben, wenn es wieder ging und mich nur gewundert, dass der nicht mehr wusste, was zuletzt gesprochen worden war.... witzig, der Typ ließ sich so 2,5 Monate hinhalten... hatte wohl noch andere am Start. Fast dieselbe Schreibe wie hier..... sind da auch mal mehrere am Schreiben und übernehmen diese Jobs dann gegenseitig? Auch fiel mir auf dass die Grammatik unterschiedlich war, mal korrektes British und dann wieder Chat-Schreibe oder falsche Grammatik.
Fast dieselbe Schreibe wie hier..... sind da auch mal mehrere am Schreiben und übernehmen diese Jobs dann gegenseitig? Auch fiel mir auf dass die Grammatik unterschiedlich war, mal korrektes British und dann wieder Chat-Schreibe oder falsche Grammatik.
Im Grunde genommen ist die Schreibe, wir nennen es Skripte, fast immer die gleiche. Mitunter kaufen sich Scammer ganze Fake-Profile, wenn sie selbst zu blöd dazu sind. So tauchen halt auch immer wieder die gleichen Gesichter und Inhalte auf, die in den verschiedensten Foren gelistet bzw. gepostet sind. Man tauscht halt nur Namen und Mailadressen aus und schon geht es weiter.
Wie du richtig erkannt hast, kann es auch vorkommen, dass Scammer in einer Gruppe zusammenarbeiten. Da gibt es nettes Büchlein von einer nigerianischen Schriftstellerin. Es nennt sich "Die meerblauen Schuhe meines Onkels Cash Daddy". Musste mal lesen.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Weiter geht es! Es ist bereits der 30. März 2014. Dieser Part ist nun nicht so spannend, aber vielleicht doch ein bisschen unterhaltsam.
Hello my Darling,
I don’t know what to say. I’m perplexed. Was this a declaration of love or even a marriage proposal? In any case I was very happy that you don’t want to start with fighting again. Children don’t appear in my planning at the moment, but later I want to have a whole pack of children. Children are the greatest gift that we can wish us. You are already father and you know what I mean.
When I got your message on Facebook and read here in my mailbox today, I could only shake my head. You're only one week in Nigeria and you have so many difficulties. As far as I know there are a commission in Nigeria with the name EFCC, who investigate such corruption cases such as you. I already told you about it and I prayed you to take care of you.
I know you are very busy. I want nevertheless to pray you to turn yourself to this Commission. [red]You're American and you should not continue to be led by the nose from this corrupt Nigerians. I'd like to help you but unfortunately I have not so much money in cash actually as you need.
Kisses and hugs
Yours Rosa
Ein bisschen sprachlos war Phillip schon, aber so wirklich hat es ihn nicht interessiert, was da Rosa über den EFCC schrieb. Geld musste endlich her, egal wie viel.
Your email is really skeptical, how much do you have right now?
I am so sorry
How was your day? Please honey I need your assistance urgently, How much can you assist me with, how much do you have right now?
Manchmal sind es die kleinen Dinge im Leben, die einem eine kleine Denkpause verschaffen. Rosa hatte ein paar Tage kein Internet, weil ihr DSL-Router defekt war. Aber Rosa möchte ihren Phillip nicht hängen lassen und tut ihr Bestmögliches, daher bemüht sie eine Freundin, um Phillip antworten zu können. Rosa steht ja permanent unter Dauerstress, da kann es schon mal passieren, dass sie vergisst, Phillip in Englisch zu schreiben.
Mein Tag war gestern sehr stressig. Ich musste 2 Dienste hintereinander schrubben, weil ein Kollege wegen Krankheit ausgefallen ist. Dann wollte ich dir eine Mail schicken, aber ich bekam keine Verbindung ins Internet. Ich habe heute den ganzen Tag mit der Hotline telefoniert und sie haben festgestellt, dass mein DSL-Router defekt ist. Wie du weißt, ist das Textfeld auf meinem Handy kaputt, so konnte ich dir auch keine SMS schicken.
Momentan könnte ich dir 2000 EUR geben, aber nun muss ich erst einmal schauen, wie teuer so ein DSL-Router ist.
Hast du mittlerweile Kontakt zu der Kommission aufgenommen, die ich dir nannte?
2000 EUR waren dem Scammer offensichtlich zu wenig.
How was your day honey, I have been very worried waiting for you email and I miss you so much. Is your computer working fine now? Do you want to get a new DSL router, what for?
Honey, why do I need to contact the commission you told me about?
Honey can you make it up to 3,000 Euro please, write me back immediately as I wait.
Love you
Es folgte mal wieder ein Chat, in dem es natürlich nur ums liebe Geld ging und Phillip musste sich ganz schön die Finger wund tippen, bevor Rosa überhaupt verstand, was Western Union ist und bedeutet. Dann war Phillip für mehrere Minuten offline. Rosa hatte diese Gelegenheit genutzt und ist ins Bett gegangen.
Am nächsten Tag erfuhr sie auch, warum er eine Weile weg war. Phillip musste erst einmal googeln, welche WU-Filiale für Rosa die günstigste ist und hängte die Empfängerinformationen auch gleich hinten ran. Hatte der Mugu wirklich gehofft, noch vor dem anstehenden Wochenende Kohle zu bekommen?
Die WU-Filiale: GECO BERLIN BUCH Walter Friedrich Strasse 4 Berlin, Berlin 13125 DEUTSCHE POSTBANK AG Wiltbergstr 23 Berlin, Berlin 13125
You just have to go any of the 2 Western Union outlet after work, a form will be given to you to fill so fill in the name and address below;
Receiver's name: Mr. David Omo
Address: Delta State, Nigeria
Security Question: Colour Answer: Blue
Diese offline-Message las Rosa natürlich erst am nächsten Abend, Donnerstagabend. WU hatte bereits geschlossen und „immediately“ ist sowieso ein Fremdwort für Rosa.
Honey, you're been a long time offline last night, so I went to sleep. I didn’t know if you would come back and it was already very late. I have only now seen your details of the recipient.
Tomorrow morning I will fly to my parents to Gran Canaria and I will be back on 7th April in the evening. My mother has birthday. I want to surprise her with my visit. My mother doesn’t still know that I will come. I must now pack my bag.
I'm so sorry. When I’m back, I will transfer you the money as soon as possible. Promise!
I love you and I will miss you very much. Please take care of yourself.
Hugs and kisses
Yours Rosa
Diese Mail hat Phillip gar nicht gefallen.
Why are you doing this to me Rosa, What have I done to deserve this? On the night of 2nd, you told me you will be busy working and cannot go to the Western Union and today you are flying to see you mom as a surprise visit for her birthday and yet you could not go to the Western Union which won't take you up to 10 minutes. Am so sad right now, have a safe trip and happy birthday to your mom
Love you
Rosa gönnt sich das verlängerte Wochenende und lässt Phillip ein wenig zappeln.
How are you honey? How is your mom's birthday, I miss you so much and wish you where here
What time will you be back on Monday. Kiss kiss
Am Montag wurde es leider zu spät, so dass Phillip erst am Dienstagabend eine Mail von Rosa bekam, Smalltalk – hier nicht erwähnenswert. Phillip wird langsam ungeduldig.
Good morning honey, how was your night? What is going on? You read my message last night and refuse to write me and also refuse to answer my calls, you hurt me Upps, erwischt! and you know how much I love you. Today Wednesday so please make sure you send the morning by Western Union so I can buy the remaining equipment tomorrow, keep to your promise and no more delay.
Have a nice day and always remember that I love you...Hugs and kisses
Interessant, der Scammer bekommt also mit, wenn Rosa auf Facebook seine Nachrichten liest. Diese Wissenslücke musste ich sofort schließen.
Rosa hatte ja vor ihrer Abreise versprochen, endlich die 2000 EUR zu senden. Und Rosa hält ihre Versprechen. Wie heißt es so schön: Ohne Fleiß, kein Preis. Also schrieb ihn Rosa mal wieder auf Deutsch.
Hallo mein Schatz,
Ja, ich habe deine Nachricht gelesen auf Arbeit und Nein, ich habe mich nicht geweigert, dir zu antworten. Gestern musste ich bis 22:00 Uhr arbeiten. Ich hatte dir bereits erzählt, dass ein Kollege aufgrund von Krankheit ausgefallen ist. Du kannst dir sicherlich verstellen, dass ich nach diesem langen Arbeitstag nur noch in mein Bett wollte.
Heute begann mein Dienst ein paar Stunden später und ich habe diese Zeit nutzen wollen, um dir das Geld zu senden. Ich hatte das Formular ausgefüllt und ich bin an den Schalter gegangen. Der Western Union Agent nahm meine Kreditkarte und las diese ein. Er schaute mich fragend an und sagte zu mir: Ihre Karte ist gesperrt. Ich wollte es nicht glauben. Ich hatte doch kurz davor meine neuen Schuhe damit bezahlt. Er zeigte mir das Display und da stand tatsächlich geschrieben „Gesperrt“. Leider hatte ich heute Morgen keine Zeit mehr, um meine Bank anzurufen und zu fragen, was passiert ist.
Der Western Union Agent hatte sich mein ausgefülltes Formular angeschaut und er fragte mich, ob ich Mr. David Omo persönlich kennen würde. Ich musste verneinen. Er schüttelte mit dem Kopf und gab mir einen Merkzettel von Western Union. Auf diesem Merkzettel stand geschrieben, dass man niemals an einen fremden Menschen Geld senden sollte.
Wir kennen uns zwar schon eine ganze Weile, dennoch musste ich mir die Frage stellen, woher ich weiß, ob du wirklich Phillip A Summer und der Mann auf dem Facebook-Titelbild bist. Ich hoffe sehr, trotzdem möchte ich dich bitten, mir eine Kopie deines Reisepasses zu senden.
Vielen Dank für dein Verständnis!
Deine Rosa
Die Frage nach einer Kopie seines Reisepasses war eh nur zur Provokation gedacht. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass der Scammer nur das eine Foto bei Facebook (siehe oben) hat und er somit nicht in der Lage sein wird, einen Pass zu basteln. Phillip wollte eine Zeit lang weitere Fotos von Rosa haben und wir wissen auch warum und wozu. Sie schickte ihm das Foto (siehe oben) und im Gegenzug verlangte Rosa ein Foto von Phillip. Bis heute wartet Rosa auf ein Foto von Phillip und Phillip hat seitdem auch nie wieder nach Fotos von Rosa gefragt.
Na schaue einer an! Warum bin ich über seine Reaktion nicht überrascht?
I will never write to you anymore because you have been playing games with my from the beginning
Und wie sollte es anders sein, Phillip blockiert Rosa nun zum zweiten Mal bei Facebook.
Wir haben nun den 10. April.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Today Wednesday so please make sure you send the morning by Western Union so I can buy ....
Du sollst ihm den Morgen schicken, über WU
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
Security Question: Colour Answer: Blue
Diese Angabe gibt es doch öfters von den Mugus, zwar mit verschiedenen Farben, aber könnte gleiche Farbe nicht gleicher Mugu (bzw.gang) sein ?
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Zitat von fridolin im Beitrag #6Zitat
Security Question: Colour Answer: Blue
Diese Angabe gibt es doch öfters von den Mugus, zwar mit verschiedenen Farben, aber könnte gleiche Farbe nicht gleicher Mugu (bzw.gang) sein ?
Nee, das haben die sich alle von meinem Scammer abgeguckt. Mit der Sicherheitsabfrage: Colour und Antwort "Blue" habe ich bereits vor 7 Jahren für Afrika gespendet.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Nee, das haben die sich alle von meinem Scammer abgeguckt. Mit der Sicherheitsabfrage: Colour und Antwort "Blue" habe ich bereits vor 7 Jahren für Afrika gespendet.
[Spaß] stehen dir da nicht, je nach Schöpfungshöhe der Idee, Tantiemen zu ? [/Spaß]
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Zitat von fridolin im Beitrag #6Zitat
Security Question: Colour Answer: Blue
Diese Angabe gibt es doch öfters von den Mugus, zwar mit verschiedenen Farben, aber könnte gleiche Farbe nicht gleicher Mugu (bzw.gang) sein ?
Interessant, dass dir dies auch gleich aufgefallen ist. Mir ging es ähnlich, als ich diese Info las. In meinen letzten 4 Baits haben 3 Scammer diese Testfrage benutzt. Allerdings kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass die alle zu einer Clique gehören. Während die anderen beiden Scammer Lagosianer sind, wohnt dieser Scammer hier weiter östlich.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Was sollte Rosa auch darauf groß antworten.
I can only say to you I'm speechless. So you’re thinking about me.
Es ist immer wieder nett, wie leicht man die Scammer auf die Palme bringen kann, dabei hat Rosa doch nur nach einer Kopie von seinem Pass gefragt.
Do you know what it means to be called a liar just because I ask you for little money for my job? You are really wicked and heartless, I loved you with all my heart and I regretted fallen in love with you. Don't worry keep your money to yourself, God will provide for me
Ob er das deutsche Sprichwort „Getroffene Hunde bellen“ versteht?
You make me fun. Who called you a liar? It wasn’t me. I merely asked you to verify you and no more. We have a slogan in German which says “Methinks thou dost protest too much”.
I’m not sure, but my gut feeling tells me that you never loved me with all your heart.
Und wieder das ewige Geseier, Rosa solle ihn nicht mehr schreiben.
Please don't write me anymore, just leave me alone and forge about me.
Nee, dies macht Rosa eben nicht. Sie will doch noch ein wenig Spaß haben.
Phillip, what's the point of that? A week ago you still have praised me in the seventh heaven and now? Honestly, I can’t follow you. How many times have you said to me that I should always remember that you love me.
Phillip kann es halt nicht lassen und schon sind wir wieder in der Gegenwart gelandet.
Yes I do love you even till now but you do not love me as much as I love and trust you. What do you want me to do right now, I can't work properly because my equipment is not complete. I am deeply hurt by your words because you don't trust me, stop this prank games and be sincere for once for just 2,000 Euro. No Western Union required passport or ID card to receive money anywhere in the world.
I love you with all my heart and am willing to do anything to have you in my arms as my wife but you really hurt me. Honey if you really want to assist me with the money then go to another Western Union, no much question ask. Just fill the form and if they ask you, tell them you are sending it to Mr. David Omo for business. You have to tell them what to do not them telling you what to do, simple. Please do this for me and I will forever love you forever for saving my job. Thank you
Rosa setzt noch einen drauf.
You love me more than I do you? You trust me more than I do you? May I remind you that you didn’t believe me as I specify a misspelled phone number. And who tried, our peerless love to maintain? I was the one. Hadn’t I written to you, you would have no longer responded. I should be the one who had to be angry because you got me now blocked for the second time on facebook for no apparent reason.
I have you never subordinated lies. All I wanted was a proof of authenticity from you, no more, and you go to the barricades.
You have never asked me what happened with my credit card at Western Union when I wanted to send you the money. Why not?
Your words "No Western Union required passport or ID card to receive money" that's not quite right. I have inquired me at Western Union. If I want to pick up money in Germany at Western Union, I need my passport or other ID card and of course this transfer number.
Who is Mr. David Omo actually? Can you trust him?
Ich lass diese Mail von Rosa an Phillip für heute mal unbeantwortet.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Und wieder einmal hat sich Phillip eingekriegt.
Yes honey I love you more than you do love me and I can prove that to you but right now my job have to be completed. I am sorry if I have always doubted you, I am a man of my words and I hate it when someone call me a liar because I hate lies. I am too responsible for such childish act. Please don't be angry, I only did it because you called me a liar indirectly, just because I ask you for little money.
Honey I remember you told me that your credit card was blocked after buying your new shoes. If your credit card is blocked then while not go to the bank and withdraw the money?
Yes all Western union do require passport or ID card to receive money, off course I agree with you. Mr. David Omo is the supervisor working here and I trust him, that was why I asked you to send the money to him. Honey if truly you do love me, please assist me so I can get the complete equipment before Friday and I promise I will never disappoint you, I swear on my daughter Melanie. Good night
Denkste!!! Gerade wollte Rosa dem lieben Phillip ein Love-Poem schicken, fand sie diese Nachricht in ihrem Postfach vor. An der Stelle dachte ich, Rosa spielt in einem anderen Film die Hauptrolle oder sind hier gar 2 Scammer am Werk?
You can me a liar just because I asked you for little money for my work, do you know what it means to be called a liar? Nö! Thank you for letting me know that you don't love me despite how much I love you, you still doubt me. You really break me heart, I cry on Wednesday night. Thank you and God bless
Mittwochabend? Die 1. Mail erhielt Rosa am Donnerstag um 3:05 Uhr. Rosa verstand nur Bahnhof.
??? I don’t understand. Are you the same man who written me those very nice words yesterday?
und die 1. Mail hier rein kopiert.
"I cry on Wednesday night." ??? How can it be? This email I have got on Thursday at 3 in the morning.
How could I send money to you before Friday? I have to work on Thursday and I can only read your email on the evening. Actually I wanted send you money tomorrow. But now???
How would it be if you were to ask me before you yelling going on?
You make me sick.
Ok, Phillip beliebt zu scherzen.
Why did you cry? I wrote those words from my heart and I met every word. Please honey, I really need your assistance. When are you sending the money to Mr. David Omo? It is urgent and very important.
Na klar, ist es urgent und very important, weiß doch Rosa. Dann wird Rosa mal scherzen.
Phillip, I am don't cry but you.
And I asked me now why you wrote me so angry words? Now you are so very nice again. Why? Sometimes I really don't understand you. I'm knowing that you really need my assistance and I'm knowing that it urgent and very important, but in the moment I'm very confusing. Also there are problems with Western Union. I can only send you 500 EUR with my credit card. My bank doesn't allow that I can send you more than 500 EUR with my credit card.
Dies hat sich Phillip ja geschickt ausgedacht!
I am going through so much stress now because of my job and it's really hard for me to think straight because I was given a dead line. If you can send 500 Euro with your credit card daily, why not send 500 Euro today Monday, Tuesday-500 Euro, Wednesday-500 Euro and Thursday-500 Euro, all to Mr. David Omo. He can collecting 500 Euro everyday. Please send the first 500 Euro today. Karfreitag, nee is klar Thank you and God bless
Mal leise angeklopft, ob es vielleicht ein Bankkonto gibt.
Phillip, today is Sabbath day in Germany. It's Easter.
Also is my credit card still locked since I've been trying to send you money via Western Union. To unblock my credit card I have to verify me at my homebank in Hamburg. For that I have to apply for leave one day.
Has Mr. David Omo no bank account? It would be so much easier for me. I could refer you 4000 EUR at once. I won at a race with my horse Hamlet yesterday. Please ask Mr. Omo.
Ah, schaue einer an.
Congratulation on your horse race winning.
Honey, I really don't understand you right now. Is there no way you can withdraw the money from the bank and send it instrumentally by Western Union? I have spoken to the supervisor Mr. Omo and he does not have a Foreign Currency Domiciliary Account, he only have a local account. This is Africa Nigeria and you have a Foreign Currency Domiciliary Account to receive money outside Nigeria through bank transfer. The only way you can send through bank is to the company where I want to buy the equipment. Can you send the 4,000 Euro to the company's Foreign Currency Domiciliary Account tomorrow? Please write me back immediately. Schon wieder dieses Fremdwort.
Thanks and good night
Phillip, Rosa könnte, wenn sie wollte.
Honey I've found a way now how I can send you the money by Western Union. I asked my girlfriend if she can lend me a little money. She will bring me the money tomorrow evening so that I can send you 2000 EUR via Western Union on Thursday morning.
Da Phillip Rosa ja bei Facebook blockiert hat, lief der “Chat” via Mailverkehr ab.
Phillip: Why can't you send it tomorrow morning since she is coming to give you this evening, while waiting till Thursday? Go and send it tomorrow morning
Rosa: My girlfriend will bring me the money tomorrow evening.
Phillip: Are you 100% sure?
Rosa: Yes, I'm 100% sure.
Phillip: Promise? Because I am really tired of all the question and delay, please promise me that you will stand by your words?
Rosa: I promise you I will stand by my words.
Phillip: Thank you honey, I love you
How is your day going? Please call and write me when you are back from work. Love you
Am darauf folgenden Abend war Rosa wieder seine Freundin bei Facebook.
Rosa: Good Evening Honey! How are you doing? I'm fine.
Phillip: I am fine, work was very stressful today because I don't have my complete equipment. Honey I hope you are still sending the money to Mr. Omo tomorrow morning
Rosa: Yes, I will send Mr. Omo the money tomorrow morning.
Phillip: Honey please note the details to avoid any mistake. Name: Mr. David Omo. Address: Delta State, Nigeria. Security Question: Colour. Answer: Blue.
Rosa: Honey, I have the form from last time. I will do no mistake. Honey I have no time now because my girlfriend has just arrived and we want to talk a little.
Phillip: Okay but write me when you are free, love you.
Rosa: Honey, this I cannot promise you. We usually talk very long. I just opened a bottle of wine and after 2 glasses I am often very tired and sluggish. I'll write you tomorrow night. Okay?
Phillip: Really! Don't get drunk. Honey you don't have to wait till evening because you have to send me some information so that Mr. Omo can receive the money. After sending the money, send me the following information immediately. Sender full name, address, money transfer control number (MTCN), and amount. Please this information are important after you send the money on western union. Love you
Rosa, sturzbetrunken, hat natürlich noch eine Mail geschickt.
Sory Honey, Sleep otschen good. I love you auch.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Sory Honey, Sleep otschen good. I love you auch.
Darauf muss man ers einmal kommen! Klasse gemacht TFL!
Englisch/Russisch/Deutsch der arme Mugu, versteht nur "Bahnhof".
Sory Honey, Sleep очень good. I love you auch.
Für nicht Russisch sprechende: otschen очень sehr-Adverb
Ich habe sehr gut geschlafen.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.579 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Sehr amüsant
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
Wir schreiben mittlerweile den 24.04.2014.
Auf Rosa ist Verlass, 100%!
Hi Dear and how are you doing? I'm just back home after a long and exhausting work day, thus I wasn’t able to write you earlier but I send Mr. Omo the money via Western Union today already, also I took a photo of the Western Union receipt and attached it to this mail.
Da ist wohl Rosa beim Abfotografieren ein Lapsus unterlaufen.
Abends im Chat:
Phillip: Honey it's too small and I cannot see it clearly, just send me the following information;
Sender full name:
10 digit money transfer control number (MTCN)
Amount sent:
Check and send it to me immediately, I wait
Rosa: Wait a moment please, I’m looking.
10 Minuten später
Rosa: What is the 10 digit money transfer control number (MTCN)??
Phillip: The MTCN is writen on the receipt
Weitere 10 Minuten später
Rosa: Sorry Honey, I searched everywhere. I can't find the receipt.
Phillip: Please search carefully for it, am waiting
und 15 Minuten später
Rosa: I have searched everywhere. I think I leave the receipt in the hospital.
Honey, unfortunately I have to go now. I have to get up early tomorrow. I will send you the details tomorrow.
Phillip: What time tomorrow, I want you to send it in the morning immediately you get to work please honey
Rosa: I cannot send you the details in the morning. I have to work. I will send it in the evening.
Phillip: Mr. Omo has to go and collect it before the bank close and tomorrow is Friday. You have to send it in the morning, In diesem Ton schon gar nicht. you can send text message to my phone please honey
Rosa: Honey, you know that the textpad of my mobile phone doesn't work. I can send you the details after the work.
Phillip: Okay. I want you to open it on your computer and look at it carefully for the information now, do it immediately.
Man spürte förmlich seine Ungeduld. War Phillip doch scheinbar seiner Kohle so nahe.
Doch Rosa ließ sich wieder Zeit. Glaubte Phillip im Ernst, dass Rosa etwas anderes sehen kann als er?
Rosa: I’m having opened it. It’s too small. I don’t see too. Honey, I have to go now. Good Night.
Phillip: Okay good night honey, I love you
Es war ja klar, dass irgendetwas schief laufen musste. Rosa steht unter permanentem Dauerstress. Als Assistenzärztin schrubbt sie Doppelschichten, dann rückt der Termin für die Abgabe ihrer Dissertation immer näher und zu guter Letzt macht Phillip auch noch Druck.
Rosa ist fix und fertig und schreibt daher mal wieder eine Mail auf Deutsch.
Hi Dear,
heute war einfach nur ein Tag, an dem alles schief gelaufen ist, was schief laufen konnte. Zuerst habe ich verschlafen und bin zu spät zum Dienst gekommen. In der Mittagsruhe habe ich die Originalquittung von Western Union kopiert und während ich am Kopierer stand, schrie ein Patient auf dem Gang und fuchtelte mit seinen Armen wie wild herum. Nachdem ich ihm eine Spritze gegeben habe und er sich wieder beruhigt hatte, bin ich zum Kopierer zurück, um die Quittung zu holen, aber sie lag nicht mehr drin. Gottseidank habe ich noch diese Kopie hier.
Yours Rosa
Es ist Wochenende und für gewöhnlich nutzt Rosa die Zeit, um an ihrer Dissertation zu arbeiten. Dann zieht sie sich gänzlich zurück, kein Telefon, kein Phillip.
I don't understand, please write in English honey. Kümmer dich!
und am Samstag
Good morning, I really don't understand what is going on right now. I can't see the 10 digit money transfer control number (MTCN), the little white paper is on the top. Please send me only the 10 digit money transfer control number (MTCN) immediately
Doch Rosa genießt und schweigt.
Sonntagabend: Rosa gibt Phillip die Schuld, dass die WU-Quittung weg ist.
Hi Dear, I'm back and I've finally finished my dissertation. Thank God.
Honey, why don’t you use an online translator? I do it too, when I have to translate your mail and when I answer you.
On Friday I wrote you that I had a lot of stress at work. While I scanned the Western Union receipt a patient went crazy in the corridor and I had to bring him to rest once. After that I went back to the copier to get the receipt but it was gone.
If you had not put me under deadline pressure, all this would never have happened. But you badly wanted that I sent you the details before the bank close. If you had correctly explained me, where I can find this 10 digit number, so I had could to say you the correct number. But on the receipt were to see so many numbers. So I had no alternative but to send you a copy of the receipt, in the hope to have done everything right.
And now?
Phillip hat keine Ahnung, was hier abläuft.
I am so happy you finish successfully, how was your day? I miss you so much. Honey the 10 digit money transfer number (MTCN) is written there but that little paper receipt attachment is on top of where they wrote the number. Where is the receipt? You just have to pull the little paper off to see the number. Von einer Fotokopie? Du bist Klasse, Phillip!
Wäre Rosa gehässig gewesen, hätte sie Phillip gefragt, warum er es nicht selbst tut. Macht sie aber nicht.
I’m so happy too and I miss you so much. My weekend was very stressfully as you can imagine. I’m very groggy. How was your weekend? Please tell me about it.
Honey I don’t know, where the original receipt is. What little paper you think?
An dieser Stelle ist so ein Arbeitszeugnis angebracht.
"Phillip hat nach Kräften versucht, die Leistungen zu erbringen, die wir in dieser Situation fordern müssen. Er war bestrebt, sich neuen Situationen anzupassen. Das persönliche Verhalten war im Wesentlichen tadellos. Phillip zeigte für seine Arbeit Verständnis und Interesse. Er koordinierte die Arbeit seiner Mitarbeiter (Rosa) und gab klare Anweisungen."
Good morning honey, how was your night? My weekend was fine but stressful. Honey you have to get the original receipt back, it is very important because Mr. Omo can not go receive it because some information could not be seen.
The little receipt that was binded with stapler has to be remove to get the complete information. Please go get back to receipt and if not found, go back to the western union office and tell them you misplace the first receipt given to you. Honey do this immediately, I love you
Was ist eigentlich mit Rosas Quittung passiert? Die Antwort gibt es demnächst.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Montag, den 28.04.2014
Rosa hatte natürlich nur diese WU-Quittung im Kopf. Wo ist diese nur abgeblieben? Die WU-Quittung ist nun endgültig futsch und Rosa ist absolut ratlos.
Good Evening Darling, I have been sleeping really badly last night. Many thoughts were in my head. Also I’m not feeling well. I believe I am ill.
Today I have been looking everywhere for work and I found my receipt in the refuse sack of shredder. Obviously someone has thrown it in the waste bin and the cleaner inserted into the shredder. Now I understand what you mean with the little paper. It is receipt for payment. And under this receipt for payment is this strange number that you need immediately.
Honey how do you mean this, I should go back to Western Union? What should I do there, what I have to say there? I can’t go empty-handed to Western Union.
I’m going to bed now in order to rest and cure.
Have a very nice evening, sleep very well. I love you too.
Phillip erklärt Rosa, was sie tun muss.
I am so glad you are doing fine and please do not be ill. I am so sad right now knowing that you could not find the receipt. You have to go back to the western union office, tell them that you lost the receipt given to you (dated 24/04/14) and they should give you a new print out. Just give them your name and the date you sent the money. Just follow my instruction and avoid too much questions. Please do this today Phillip, wann kapierst du es endlich, dass Rosa deine Mail erst am Abend lesen kann? so that Mr. Omo can receive the money tomorrow morning and I can buy the equipment.
I love you and please make sure this is done today. Kiss kiss
Rosa musste etwas Zeit schinden, daher meldet sie sich bei Phillip erst einmal krank.
Hi Dear, I’m not doing well. I have been to the doctor today and my doctor sick on leave for the rest of this week firstly. He believed that all the stress in the last weeks is the reason behind my circulation collapse. The doctor ordered me to stay in bed for two days. As soon as I'm back on one’s feet again, I will go to Western Union.
Yours Rosa
Doch Phillip hat kein Erbarmen.
I am so sorry about your health and I pray you get well soon. Honey going to the western union office won't take more than 30 minutes despite your health condition so why waiting for 2 days? Waiting 2 days means Mr. Omo will not be able to receive the money this week, please honey go to the office tomorrow please...this is very important to me and my job. I know you need rest according to the doctor but we both know you can go to the western union office tomorrow so please do not let me down, go tomorrow morning....How was your day?
Rosa schleppt sich also zu WU, obwohl es ihr gar nicht gut geht. Sie musste länger als 30 Minuten warten, bevor sie endlich dran war und hielt sich strikt an die Anweisung von Phillip, so wenig wie möglich zu sagen. Dort traf sie auf den netten Kundenbetreuer B. Trüger, der ihr gern helfen möchte. Leider ist es in Deutschland nicht so einfach, wie sich dies der liebe Phillip so vorstellt.
Hi Dear, yesterday I went to a Western Union branch, despite my seriously high fever. Unfortunately, you take no account of it, which makes me very sad. There were a lot of customers in that branch and I had to wait over 30 minutes before I was finally called. While I tried to describe, the lady at the counter about my problem, I suddenly became very ill and then I fainted. When I regained consciousness after some time, the employees of the store led me to a sofa and wanted to call the doctor and an ambulance. Normally I would have agreed, but you've told me explicitly, I should tell as little as possible, just quickly get the number so that you can pick up the money.
I refused the help of Western Union employees and asked for speedy service to get the number. The Lady of the switch then brought me into the office of a Western Union customer service guy in order to help me to obtain the desired number for you. Mr. Trüger introduced himself to me and asked me what he could do for me. I told him about the loss of the Transfer slip, he listened to me attentively and told me that the number, that you want to have, is a security number, which is called MTCN, can’t be multiplied easily, provided the original receipt of the transaction is not available.
Unfortunately, I had only the photocopy of the bill in hand, because the original was so shredded by the cleaning staff, on the photocopy, you can’t remove the cashier's bill and see the number of the receipt below. The MTCN is registered and so the money could be easily found, but I don’t know the MTCN by heart and Mr. Trüger then said that it is almost impossible to find the money without the MTCN. In this moment I started really crying because I was scared that you scold me again and want to quit with me. Mr. Trüger reassured me, gave me a cup of tea and some biscuits. He told me that I should not be sad and he wants to help me as he wants to deal with my matter personally. He told me, because he has a lot of powers, he will do some, if necessary also unconventional measures, researching procedures to locate the money.
After all, Mr. Trüger brought me home in his car, because he noticed that I could not go home alone in my physical state. He said he must also inform you about all procedures and asked me for your contact details. I was not sure if I may hand your email address to Mr. Trüger without you are getting angry with me again and possibly quit your love to me. So my question to you is: May I give Mr. Trüger your email address so that he can take up contact with you?
In Love Rosa
Ok, Phillip mag nicht mit Mr. Trüger reden.
No no no no I don't believe you anymore, it is not possible. I don't need to speak to Truger, is of no use. Go back to the western union office tomorrow and tell then you want your money back, give then your name and all the information you use in sending the money including the date (24/04/2014) and if you should come back and give me this cock and bull story . ... that makes you the liar. Listen and listen good , I am sick and tired of all this when my job is at stake. I have called to western union office and they told me it is not possible and it's all lies. Please be sincere to me, I need the truth from you
Phillip nennt Rosa eine Lügnerin. Dies lässt sich Rosa nicht bieten. Rosas Antwort auf diese Frechheit gibt es das nächste Mal.
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Wir schreiben nun schon den 2. Mai 2014. Mir war es zu diesem Zeitpunkt völlig egal, ob der Bait hiermit endet.
Rosa hat eine Stinkwut auf Phillip und lässt sie ihm diese auch spüren.
Now I am really sad and mad on you! I tried everything possible, only for you to help you, now you go crazy about what I explained to you. What you want me to do? I can't do magic and you are completely unknowing about the Western Union procedures here in Germany but you tell me what to do.
I have sent the money as you told me, then I sent you the recite of the payment, you told you can't read it, it is too small allegedly, I did a photocopy and sent it to you and again you complained about some stuff I had no idea about. You told me to go to the Western Union office again and regulate the sending, get a number you need. I did this for you, despite I am severely ill but you didn't even take notice about. I had a hard time there, despite I could find help to gain access to the number you want and now you give me some stupid scolding for it? Who are you to behave this way and give me problems over problems? Be happy that I done as you told, even as I am very sick and should rest in bed.
Maybe in your country it's easy and common for everybody to send money and who ever can simply go to any Western Union office and claim moneys without the staff of the office minds who that person actually is and pay out regardless. This is not usual in Germany, because Western Union have to obey the German law. Here they work far more serious and have to be aware of what they are doing.
You had called Western Union in Africa and they told you some crap as they are not care at all, or you are simply lying to me. Call Western Union in Germany and they tell you how it is done here! Because of YOU, all was going wrong here, you treated me like dirt, forced me to run and do things I didn't understood and now you give me the blame of your failing. You are rude and behave completely inappropriate to me.
Now YOU listen to me and listen good: I AM NOT YOUR PET!!!
I am seriously tired and sick OF YOU right now and hate you for the bad feelings you ALWAYS give to me. I did all I could do, you are not believing and messing with me over and over again, it's enough now, I don't want to run up and down just for nothing and being scolded in the end, by a man who do not care for me as a woman. All I told you about, was 100% the truth but you refuse to believe and want me now to run again to the Western Union and make a complete idiot out of me? ARE YOU CRAZY? Once again, It was YOU who begged me for money, it was YOU who told me to send my money but you did NOT told me about the number you need, specifically and so I did many mistakes, THIS WAS YOUR FAIL, not mine! Why Western Union and not bank transfer? Why all this complicating of simple processes? Why I must send the money to a stranger and not to you directly? All this is very wired and makes me thinking a lot about your honesty towards me.
I am sick unto death by now, because of all the stress you gave me by sending me out to Western Union, regardless my bad condition, caused by the flu I suffer. I am losing all my trust in you and I can feel how you are slowly killing my true love to you, which makes me crying and feeling quite lonesome now.
You are so mean and only oppressing, you have no sense of responsibility towards me and this shows me that you are NOT A TRUE MAN FOR ME, neither a proper partner, nor a friend for life, this I have learned now by your bad behavior.
It's on YOU now to prove your love to me but if you just don't care and just simply try to betray me, then go to hell. I am fed up with you BIG TIME NOW and I refuse to contact you in future, if you don't be true with me.
I am awaiting a serious explanation from you ASAP! Rethink what you did to me for your own sake, If you don't answer this mail, I will take our connection as failed.
Brrr! Mich schüttelst!
Honey you misunderstood my email, do you mean you want to lose the 2,000 Euro to Western Union just like that? I am sorry for using such harsh words on you but I am really hurt deep in my heart. The Western Union I called is on their website, browse through and call to confirm (westernunion.com). Remember I told you to send me the following information;
Sender name:
10 digit money transfer control number (MTCN):
Amount send:
That was the last message I sent to you on the night of 23/04/2014. I will never do anything to betray or hurt your feeling and that is a promise I must keep to. Fine I begged you for money because of my job but right now I am working to make a better future for us together, I want to spend the rest of my life with you forever, I want to sleep and wake up every morning in your arms. I love you so much and I am scared of losing you.
Please understand me clearly, I don't want you to lose your money because I care about you. All am asking it that you should go to the Western Union office and tell them to give you back your money as I have instructed and they will. Avoid too much question, all you need is your money back and then you can resend it again.
Mr. David Omo is the supervisor here and he works for me, I trust him so you have to trust him too. He is always with me during the day and he is a very good and God fearing man. He is married with 3 days and with a loving family so please think positive about him.
Please forgive me if I have hurt you in anyway, I love you more than anything and the thought of losing you is tearing me apart. I cried last night after reading your email, I feel very sad each time you don't pick my call and when you don't reply my email, my heart belongs to you forever.
Please just tell me you have forgiven me honey, I love and miss you so much.
Hugs and kisses
Phil Dies ist die einzige Stelle, an der Phillip sich mal ordentlich verabschiedet hat
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
Beiträge: | 2.863 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2010 |
Wow, Rosas Mail ist gigantisch, so wütend. Da will ihr gewiss nicht in die Quere kommen.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Rosa möcht ich nicht zum Feind haben
Könnte B.Trüger nicht einen Kontakt zum King herstellen?
Soll Phil doch selber zusehen wie er an die MTCN kommt
Einfach Klasse
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
Erst einmal recht vielen Dank Dana und Roadrunner für euer Feedback. Freue mich sehr, dass der Bait euch beiden gefällt.
Rosa hat Phillip ein paar Tage zappeln lassen, bevor sie ihm wieder antwortete. Logisch, ist sie ja todsterbenskrank.
Und wer ist wieder einmal schuld?
Since Friday I'm now finally and definitely sick in bed and you are blame at it too. I have a severe viral flu with high fever and intense chills. On Friday night my doctor was extra and exceptionally come to me and I had to confess him that I have not held me at the bed rest, which he prescribed.
Dr. Sägebrecht told me, that I might have died while my break down in the Western Union branch office. He was shocked and he couldn't believe it, that I had left the house despite my desolate state. I did this all only for you because I love you.
Once I get better, I'll take care of the money.
Yours Rosa
Phillip ist sprachlos und verwirrt. Klar doch, muss er nun wieder warten, bis Rosa halbwegs gesund ist, um zu WU latschen zu können.
I am so confuse, so when will you be better?
Nach einer Woche meldet sich Rosa bei Phillip wieder.
Hi Phil, Dr.Sägebrecht just visited me and he gave me an injection. I'm doing a little better today. On the weekend my parents are coming to visit me. I'm really looking forward to seeing they again and I'm not so alone anymore.
Dies mit dem Besuch von Rosas Eltern hatte ich hier eingebaut, um Phillip mal wieder ein paar schicke Fotos zu schicken, welche angeblich bei Rosas letzten Besuch ihrer Eltern aufgenommen worden sind. Doch leider hatte er sich diese nicht verdient.
An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich bei Herrmann bedanken, der mir diese wunderbaren Bilder gebastelt hat.
Phillip wird ungeduldig.
Thank God you are getting better. What really crave my indulgence is that how come you are not bother about the 2,000 Euro still at the Western Union? Why is it take you too long?
I don't mean to upset you again but right now I am pissed. Put yourself in my shoes, can you believe such?
Natürlich ist es Rosa nicht egal, was mit ihrem Geld wird.
I don’t know if I have properly understood your mail. I also don’t know if you know what it means to be affected by viral influenza.
Of course it isn’t all the same to me that the 2000 EUR floating around as a free token with Western Union. Once I get better, I'll apply for the tracing and retrieval at Western Union.
Last week I gave Mr. Trüger the photocopy of the receipt and I'm sure if I go to Western Union next week, Mr. Trüger will have already researched and he can tell me what I have to do.
Schade, dass es mir nicht gelang, Phillip von dem netten Kundenbetreuer Mr. Fraudster zu überzeugen.
There is nothing like applying for tracing and retrieval, Where are you tracing the money to? I don't believe anything you are saying anymore. If you don't want to assist me, you should have told me. Go to the western union website and call them, then you will confirm that you are just playing games with me
Und wieder bekommt Phillip Rosas ganze innere Wut zu spüren. Bei dieser Mail erspare ich mir mal das Rotkennzeichnen guter Textpassagen, da jeder einzelne Satz es in sich hat.
You still assume, I lie and play some game with you. Well if you think this way, it is maybe better if we break up. I am tired of your stupid and irrational behavior. I did all I could do for you but you think I am playing some sinister game with you.
To your information, I called the number on the website you gave me and now guess, what they told me. If one have lost the MTCN it is very difficult to locate monies sent. I told you about the loss of the original slip, already in my last mails. Also I asked the man on the phone if you had called a few days before and he denied to have gotten any call from you at all. Now I ask you WHY ARE YOU LYING TO ME?
Your ridiculous and abnormal behavior gives me the feeling of unsureness, maybe you want to play a game here. I am tired of explaining over and over again and if you believe it or not, the rules of Germany are different from your shady country. I told you the truth and did not lie to you but you did. You are a great disappointment for me because you behave like a lunatic, not like a real man with rationality.
As a last effort to make you understanding that I tell the truth, I did a photo from the form I got to fill, it's attached to this mail. If you don't want to believe me, forget about the money but also forget about me, as I do not want a man like you are one, at my side.
I have no other way to do, as going to the Western Union again and try to gain access of the 2000 Euros on my own. If you refuse to help me and go through this with me, you will get no single penny and you will lose my love for eternity. I don't care anymore and if you don't want me as your wife, another man will certainly do.
Good bye
Phillip kann nur noch zu Gott beten.
Please Rosa read your email again and access all the insult and names you called me, just because I asked for your assistance. Thank you and may God bless you
Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)
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